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This page lets you define the load profile associated with the select user profile.

A load profile is composed of a number of inflexion points each defined with:

  • A time of occurrence,
  • A number of concurrent users.

OctoPerf will increase or decrease the load during the test to reach each one of these points.


If you have defined alternate stopping conditions, the real load may look different than the load profile.

Load chart

Through the various inflexion points, it is possible to directly edit the curve. Note that actions taken here will also reflect in the table below:

Add point

Action Description
Left-click anywhere Create a new point
Left-click on a point Select a point
CTRL + Left-click on a point Remove this point
Drag and drop a selected point Move the coordinates of a point


You cannot drag a point before its predecessor or after its successor.

Load table

You can use the table under the graph in order to edit the curve as well:

Edit table

Action Description
add-line Add a new point Create a new point
remove-line Remove a point Remove this point
Left-click on a line Select this point
Time Configure the time of this point on the X axis
Virtual users Configure the number of concurrent virtual users of this point on the Y axis


The Transform button allows you to either:

Keep pattern


On this screen, you can define a target number for Virtual users and Duration.

When applied, we will increase the size of the load profile to match the new values, exactly like an image that you would enlarge or reduce.

New pattern


In this menu you can create a brand new load profile from one of our presets.

First you need to define:

Name Description
Maximum concurrent users Value of the highest number of concurrent virtual users.
Initial Delay Time before the load starts to ramp up.
Maximum Duration Total duration of the load profile.

Ramp up


Only one parameter, the percentage of the total time allocated to the ramp up phase. This will define where the inflexion point is placed in the graph.

Ramp up & down


Two parameters here, percentage of total time allocated to ramp up and down. This will define where the inflexion points are placed in the graph.



The only parameter is the number of steps, we will then divide the maximum time and concurrent users equally between the number of steps you defined.

WebDriver UserLoad

User Profile WebDriver

Real-browser simulation consumes a lot more resources than regular JMeter load tests and when several are executed in parallel the response times may be inaccurate. Since real browsers execute a lot of scripts (usually in JavaScript) and are not meant to be run in parallel they will often compete for available CPU thus increasing scripts execution times.

That is why Webdriver virtual users have their number of concurrent users limited to 1.