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Load Test Analysis


The Analysis page lists all your bench reports. You can get there using Reports in the left menu.

Reports list


For each test report, the list displays:

  • Name,
  • Number of items contained in this report,
  • Last modified date,

  • Tags,

  • Unique result number, in case of a comparison report the unique number of all the contained reports,
  • Report state,
  • Alarms,
  • Creation date.


The unique result number is attached to the test result, not the test report. This means several test reports can share the same unique result Id if they point to the same result.


This list is not refreshed automatically, if a test in ongoing, you must refresh the page in order to see it's current status/alarms.

Reports List Actions


Several actions are available when you place your mouse over a Report in the list:

Icon Action Description
Duplicate Duplicate Report Lets you duplicate a Report. You can then edit the duplicated Report.
Delete Delete Report Lets you remove a Report. This operation cannot be reverted so proceed with caution.


The search functions are detailed in this section of the navigation page.

Create Bench Report

Simple Report

The only way to create a bench report is to start a load test. This can be done on the runtime page.

Comparison Report

To create a comparison report you can click on New comparison report and then select the test results to compare:

Compare results

Then a new comparison report is created and you are redirected to it. To know more about comparing results, please consult the report comparison page.

When at least two result exist a trending graph is displayed:


This graph shows basic information on the selected test reports.


You can click on a result in the trend chart to select the latest report using it in the list.