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Release Notes

IMPORTANT: It's recommended to backup your database before performing any major version upgrade. Once the application has been upgraded, it cannot be downgraded.

There are several ways to backup the Elasticsearch database:

  • Stop the database and backup the database files (located in docker volume elasticsearch-data by default) by preserving owners and permissions,
  • Perform a snapshot.

It's recommended to do both before upgrading to a new major version.

14.5.1 (28th May 2024)

Major improvements included in this version are:

  • better CI/CD Integrations in UI,
  • test report is sent as PDF file attachment when using email notifications,
  • and UI Selector Improvement.

Docker Images

  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:14.5.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:14.5.1
  • octoperf/octoperf-ui:14.5.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:14.5.1
  • elasticsearch:7.17.21
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:14.5.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:14.5.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-playwright:14.5.0
  • octoperf/docker-agent:14.4.1
  • octoperf/utility-server:14.5.1


  • [UI] Providers: allow URLs in private docker registry hostname (#2145)
  • [UI] Update Reset API Key labels (#2140)
  • [Analysis] Notification: send PDF report by mail (#2131)
  • [UI] Runtime: Jira / notification integrations minor fixes and improvements (#2106)
  • [UI] Runtime: Better CI/CD integrations (#2100)
  • [UI] Agent administration improvement (#2078)
  • [UI] Analysis: option to export full results tree (#2071)
  • [Security] Registration: return an error when account already exists (#2577)
  • [Monitoring] Allow read-only users to check monitor connections (#2573)
  • [Saas] Update payment integration API and SDK (#2561)
  • [Backend] Upgrade various internal dependencies (#2555)
  • [System] Update registration mail template (#2548)
  • [Runtime] Workspace async notifications to users about tests being launched (#2541)

Bug Fixes

  • [UI] Analysis: NG01203 when editing a report item (#2155)
  • [UI] NullInjectorError when clicking on CONFIGURE EXPORT button in the export report page (#2134)
  • [UI] Runtime: loop count in setup thread is forever thus never ends (#2128)
  • [UI] Analysis: result selector date is truncated (#2126)
  • [UI] MatSelect is not injected application wide (#2121)
  • [UI] Scrollbar is missing in the "Extract Template from Bench Report" dialog (#2114)
  • [UI] Providers: inspect agent not visible as an admin in "Agents of current workspace" (#2113)
  • [UI] Runtime: Scenario global view not updated when uploading load of a user profile (#2112)
  • [UI] Selector icons not displayed correctly in virtual scrolls
  • [UI] Scenario report filters do not work (#2103)
  • [UI] Improve login error message when server is down (#2095)
  • [UI] Analysis: Tree report items - expand collapse not fully taken into account in some cases (#2093)
  • [UI] Analysis: Report Preview page - long tables are not loaded completely (#2092)
  • [UI] Improve navigation when entity is not found (#2090)
  • [UI] Card states not updated anymore on selection changes (#2085)
  • [UI] [Analysis] Confine selectable data of multi selector in report items (#2068)
  • [Design] Fix NPE on JMeter 5.6+ JMX Import when loop controller lacks continueForever boolean (#2582)
  • [Runtime] Path should not be encoded when using __RandomFromMultipleVars function due to param delimiter (#2566)
  • [Runtime] Fix setup thread group number of iterations when running tests with no duration limit (#2559)
  • [Playwright] switch most logging to debug log level (#2553)

14.5.0 (2nd April 2024)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:14.5.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:14.5.0
  • octoperf/octoperf-ui:14.5.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:14.5.0
  • elasticsearch:7.17.18
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:14.5.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:14.5.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-playwright:14.5.0
  • octoperf/docker-agent:14.4.1
  • octoperf/utility-server:14.5.0


  • [UI] Analysis: add creation date as tooltip on "Results" column (#2102)
  • [UI] Runtime: Display Detailed License Info (#1004)
  • [UI] Display a warning on fields where "localhost" can be filled (#804)
  • [UI] Design: run validation parameters stored in local storage (#1697)
  • [UI] Add AWS Calgary (Canada) (#2076)
  • [UI] Analysis: some Graphs Colors are not readable (#2053)
  • [UI] Make cloud instances errors column sortable (#2054)
  • [UI] New DigitalOcean location added (#2056)
  • [UI] Add toleration percent on delta table in report comparison (#2041)
  • [UI] Playwright: enable JSR223 actions (#2025)
  • [UI] Runtime: Playwright Download Specs (#2012)
  • [UI] Playwright minor improvements (#2011)
  • [Security] Update Disposable Emails blocklist (#2546)
  • [Docker] Upgrade to Ubuntu 22.04LTS as base docker image (#2543)
  • [Backend] Product info endpoint is now only available to connected users (#2539)
  • [Runtime] Amazon AWS: use M6I instead of M5 instances in regions supporting them (#2522)
  • [Backend] Various internal dependencies upgraded to latest version (#2510)
  • [Design] JMesPath Variable Extractor support (#2471)
  • [Runtime] Upgrade to JMeter 5.6.3 (#2292)
  • [Analysis] Ability to select multiple regions at once when filtering results (#1991)

Bug Fixes

  • [UI] PLaywright: 404 not found when opening traces (#2089)
  • [UI] Admin: missing actions in agents page (#2081)
  • [UI] Disabled toggles are editable in forms (#2059)
  • [UI] PWA: exclude config-prod.json from PWA cache (#2066)
  • [UI] Empty page reports when no bench result mapping exists (#2062)
  • [UI] Launch button can be clicked multiple times before the test starts (#2051)
  • [UI] Test with a single request shows incomplete validation logs (#2052)
  • [UI] Rollback NG0100 in VU tab (#2049)
  • [UI] Design: new server validation fails with variable hostname (#2045)
  • [UI] Virtual User Tree: contextual menu is too long (#2023)
  • [UI] Subscribed Plans: max duration is buggy (#2032)
  • [UI] Fix Playwright Debug issues (#2014)
  • [UI] Title on Results Tree nodes shouldn't be action IDs but their full names (#2010)
  • [Design] Fix JMX Import when having a throughput controller with a variable as max throughput (#2545)
  • [Licensing] Real Browsers Vusers should not take into account maxTestsPerRun (#2533)
  • [Runtime] Fix: cannot dispatch Jira Notification Event due to invalid url configured (#2530)
  • [Design] Fix NPE when importing a specific JMeter 5.6.x JMX (#2514)

14.4.1 (22nd February 2024)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:14.4.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:14.4.1
  • octoperf/octoperf-ui:14.4.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:14.4.1
  • elasticsearch:7.17.18
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:14.4.2
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:14.4.2
  • octoperf/jmeter-playwright:14.4.2
  • octoperf/docker-agent:14.4.1
  • octoperf/utility-server:14.4.1


  • [UI] Move Shares tab as the first one (#1991)
  • [UI] Ability to click on selected left menu item (#1971)
  • [UI] Analysis: support multi metric selection (#1975)
  • [Runtime] Switch from Rhino to Nashorn JS Engine (#2494)
  • [Mail] Update registration / activation mails (#2492)
  • [Design] Sample Virtual User update (#2485)
  • [Cloud] Microsoft Azure: create and assign public ip address to each vm for outbound traffic change in 2025 (#2376)

Bug Fixes

  • [UI] Design: debug panel diff is not updated in split view mode (#2009)
  • [UI] Design: workspace roles tab is visually invalid while it is not (#1972)
  • [UI] Providers: limit agent location name length (#1999)
  • [UI] Providers: docker installation command has a typo (#2005)
  • [UI] Analysis: When test is running, threshold alarms duration column is not updated (#1962)
  • [UI] Analysis: Export is partially in light mode in some cases (#1967)
  • [UI] Design: help link on functions requires two clicks (#1970)
  • [UI] Analysis: Fix minor bug in test summary tooltip (#1964)
  • [UI] Analysis: Export shows threshold notifications (#1973)
  • [UI] Analysis: Fix titles for multi metric items (#1974)
  • [UI] Click on open validation: run validation doesn't save current request modifications (#1978)
  • [UI] Design: server hostname validator checks if there is a path (#1976)
  • [UI] Analysis: Fix Default focus on value in filters (#1977)
  • [Agent] Fix Proxy Authentication failure when using a proxy with login/password (#2502)
  • [Runtime] Exception while rendering JMX with duplicate XPath XML namespaces (#2498)
  • [Notification] Fix OK HTTP Client connection leak (#2496)
  • [Analysis] NullPointer when computing bench result mapping on old result (#2495)
  • [Design] Variable autocompletion fails with HTTP 400 Bad Request when csv variable badly configured (#2493)
  • [Design] Disable follow redirects by default when importing a list of urls (#2409)

14.4.0 (5th February 2024)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:14.4.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:14.4.0
  • octoperf/octoperf-ui:14.4.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:14.4.0
  • elasticsearch:7.17.15
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:14.3.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:14.3.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-playwright:14.3.0
  • octoperf/docker-agent:14.4.0
  • octoperf/utility-server:14.4.0


  • [UI] Design: Add a "Go to fragment" action (#1956)
  • [UI] Improve Notifications labels on scenario page (#1943)
  • [UI] Improve colors constrat in workspace / project views (#1942)
  • [UI] Subscribe page: add a search input in the country selector (#1940)
  • [UI] Improve Diff view when comparing recorded / validation requests / responses (#1933)
  • [UI] Fix Jira documentation link (#1926)
  • [UI] Refactor CSS Classes (#1922)
  • [Runtime] Ability to find the scenario which was run from a given report (#2486)
  • [Analysis] Tree selection / folding is now saved in report (#2449)
  • [Backend] Upgrade to Spring Boot 3.2.x / Hazelcast 5.3.x (#2437)

Bug Fixes

  • [UI] Fix Errors table report item inline filter (#1947)
  • [UI] Rename "Logs" to "Files" in bench report view (#1946)
  • [UI] Left menu chevrons have a border / different bg-color when the menu is collapsed (#1935)
  • [UI] Debug panel is not updated when opening an action (#1934)
  • [UI] Limit right click menu size for large request names (#1931)
  • [UI] Billing Infos not properly updated on subscriptions panel (#1919)
  • [UI] Search and replace automatic fill from search shows backslashes (#1915)
  • [UI] Virtual User Breadcrumb not updated properly (#1906)
  • [UI] Layout issue when Virtual User name is too long (#1904)
  • [UI] Time range on test summary not displayed correctly (#1903)
  • [UI] Cannot copy / paste actions from a fragment to a regular Virtual User (#1901)
  • [Design] Resolving fragments may fail with a stack overflow when having a cycle in links (#2489)
  • [Analysis] Filters on request resources must be removed from templates (#2479)
  • [SLA] Percent Errors SLA is not working (#2469)
  • [Scheduler] Changing a scheduled task subscription was not taken into account if the task was already scheduled (#2463)
  • [Runtime] assumeSuccess was not taken into account during a virtual user validation (#2462)
  • [Design] Sanity check might be slow when having a lot of CSV variables (#2442)

14.3.0 (19th December 2023)

Playwright support has been improved with:

  • Execution Traces available after a virtual user validation,
  • Detailed results per playwright call in test reports.

Docker Images

  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:14.3.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:14.3.0
  • octoperf/octoperf-ui:14.3.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:14.3.0
  • elasticsearch:7.17.15
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:14.3.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:14.3.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-playwright:14.3.0
  • octoperf/docker-agent:14.0.0
  • octoperf/utility-server:14.3.0


  • [Design] Add a new endpoint to get all validations of a design scenario (#2448)
  • [Design] Display Azure AD correlation framework (#1896 UI)
  • [Analysis] Add Notification events in case of failed Thresholds (#1878 UI)
  • [Runtime] Add "Validation performed" column to Validate VU step of the launch page (#1876 UI)

Bug Fixes

  • [Runtime] Use retries when downloading files and JMX inside JMeter container (#2461)
  • [Analysis] PDF report generation fails when using a self signed SSL certificate (#2460)
  • [Runtime] Query Params were written as post params in JMX when having a POST request with no body (#2454)
  • [Runtime] Add a result log when test is aborted by the backend (#2447)
  • [Runtime] Debug Sampler is not showing any results (#2443)
  • [Runtime] Improve Cloud Instances provisioning algorithm when instances are partially available (#2440)
  • [Analysis] Statistic summary report item selection is always ON (#1893 UI)
  • [Analysis] Empty Response Code Distribution graph while backend sends data (#1887 UI)
  • [Design] JSR Scripts : Can't add parameters in text mode (#1870 UI)
  • [Subscription] Creating a new share doesn't warn if an existing one prevents it (#1868 UI)
  • [Analysis] LG monitoring showing "line chart" instead of JVM (LGName) (#1867 UI)

14.2.0 (30th November 2023)

This release improves how fragments results are managed during a validation and add support for Websocket HAR import.

Docker Images

  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:14.2.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:14.2.0
  • octoperf/octoperf-ui:14.2.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:14.2.0
  • elasticsearch:7.17.15
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:14.2.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:14.2.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-playwright:14.2.0
  • octoperf/docker-agent:14.0.0
  • octoperf/utility-server:14.2.0


  • [Analysis] UI: VU filter tiles display load in reports (#1765)
  • [Analysis] UI: Ability to remove metrics in report item via DEL key (#1793)
  • [Design] UI: Searchable file selector for Jsr223 and CSV variables (#1795)
  • [Administration] UI: Update default plan memory values (#1831)
  • [Design] UI: Ability to copy paste Playwright actions (#1820)
  • [General] UI: Tabs refactor (#1837)
  • [General] UI: Ability to preview tabs with a single click for VU design and Monitoring (#1717)
  • [Admin] UI: add missing refresh button on agents screen (#1851)
  • [Agent] Kubernetes Agent: support image pull secrets when creating jmeter pods (#2439)
  • [Runtime] Tighten agent memory overprovisioning to avoid placing too many containers on same agent (#2436)
  • [Backend] Upgrade zip compression library (#2434)
  • [Runtime] Having distinct results per linked fragment, even when linking same fragment multiple times (#2432)
  • [Backend] Upgrade internal dependencies (#2426)

Bug Fixes

  • [Analysis] UI: Fix time range config for report without data (#1814)
  • [Design] UI: Remove "Set As Recorded" action for fragments (#1860)
  • [Design] UI: Vu tab from link action click never has selected background (#1857)
  • [Design] UI: fix range validator on SLA (#1855)
  • [Design] UI: TypeError when opening a csv variable (#1845)
  • [Runtime] Improve error message when failing to provision a cloud instance (#2421)
  • [Monitoring] Checking connection status is too long when agent is down (#2419)
  • [Runtime] JMeter: fix jar conflict (#2415)
  • [Runtime] Playwright: Exclude cached requests from results (#2408)

14.1.0 (27th October 2023)

This release improves report templates and includes numerous bug fixes.

Docker Images

  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:14.1.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:14.1.0
  • octoperf/octoperf-ui:14.1.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:14.1.0
  • elasticsearch:7.17.15
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:14.1.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:14.1.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-playwright:14.1.1
  • octoperf/docker-agent:14.0.0
  • octoperf/utility-server:14.1.0


  • [Runtime] Playwright: add slowMo as millis setting (#2396)
  • [Runtime] Playwright: SetPropertyValue action (#2395)
  • [Runtime] Playwright: configuration improvements (#2394)
  • [Runtime] Ability to set httpsampler.max_bytes_to_store_per_request via application.yml (#2390)
  • [Security] Configurable disposable emails block list via application.yml (#2379)
  • [Providers] Amazon / Azure: check credentials and return an error when invalid instead of silent fail (#2377)
  • [Backend] Upgrade internal dependencies (#2375)
  • [Database] Use elasticsearch.force-merge.enabled: true to optimise database indices every night (#2373)
  • [Database] Use Elasticsearch image from Docker Hub (#2362)
  • [Agent] Add support for Weblogic JMX Monitoring via custom jmx jars (#2358)
  • [Analysis] Add ability to keep metric filters in report templates (#2091)

Bug Fixes

  • [Runtime] Webdriver: execution fails due to mismatch between ChromeDriver (114.x) and Google Chrome (118.x) versions (#2406)
  • [Runtime] Test fails as ERROR when using a csv and having server.insecure: true set in application.yml (#2399)
  • [Runtime] Playwright spec actions with expected status should be marked as valid during validation (#2392)
  • [Runtime] Datadog backend listener tags aren't working (#2385)
  • [Runtime] fix syntax error in script (#2383)
  • [Design] JMX Import fails when Arguments name / value is null (#2370)
  • [Validation] Response must be marked as error if record http status is different or check is in error (#2367)
  • [Monitoring] Add support for modern ssh keys such as ssh-ed25519 and ssh-ed448 when monitoring linux (#2364)
  • [Runtime] "download resources" option not taken into account during validation (#2356)

14.0.0 (22nd September 2023)

This release focuses on adding support for Playwright real browser virtual users.

Docker Images

  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:14.0.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:14.0.0
  • octoperf/octoperf-ui:14.0.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:14.0.0
  • elasticsearch:7.17.13
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:14.0.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:14.0.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-playwright:14.0.0
  • octoperf/docker-agent:14.0.0
  • octoperf/utility-server:14.0.0


  • [UI] 50+ bugs and minor improvements
  • [Design] Support Playwright Real-Browser virtual users (#2327)
  • [Analysis] Improve Average computation in case of largely spread average response times (#2339)
  • [Backend] Upgrade internal dependencies to latest stable version (#2332)
  • [Database] Elasticsearch: upgrade from 7.17.11 to 7.17.13 (#2294)
  • [Design] Display Project Storage Quota (if any configured) in UI (#2168)

Bug Fixes

  • [Analysis] PDF Report often fails to generate due to Playwright timeouts (#2343)
  • [Design] When deleting a server, only virtual users having request with that server must be updated (#2341)
  • [Monitoring] Fix failure when having duplicate Apache Httpd metrics (#2338)
  • [Design] Fix another Apache JMeter 5.6.x+ JMX Import Failure (#2334)
  • [Analysis] Escape Scenario names in markdown (#2319)
  • [Design] Ignore disabled variables when auto-completing variable names (#2310)
  • [Design] If file quota is set to a very low value, first file is uploaded regardless of its size (#2307)
  • [Notification] Fix Classcast exception when using filters (#2306)
  • [Design] Fix NPE when importing Apache JMeter 5.6.x+ JMX (#2305)
  • [Backend] Resolve Spring JCL Conflict with Apache Commons Logging (#2291)

13.2.2 (29th June 2023)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:13.2.2
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:13.2.2
  • octoperf/octoperf-ui:13.2.2
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:13.2.2
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:13.2.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:13.2.0
  • octoperf/docker-agent:13.2.0
  • octoperf/utility-server:13.2.2

Bug Fixes

  • [Security] Security checks weren't applied on updates due to an obfuscation issue (#2289)


  • [Backend] Upgrade internal dependencies (#2283)
  • [Notification] Support System Wide Http Notifications (#2281)

13.2.1 (20th June 2023)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:13.2.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:13.2.1
  • octoperf/octoperf-ui:13.2.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:13.2.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:13.2.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:13.2.0
  • octoperf/docker-agent:13.2.0
  • octoperf/utility-server:13.2.1

Bug Fixes

  • [Security] Allow "Testers" to use agents for monitoring purpose (#2278)
  • [Security] Update Disposable Mailing List (#2277)
  • [Scheduler] Some Unix Cron Syntax aren't supported like Day Of Week + Day Of Month (#2276)
  • [Scheduler] Job With Single Date Trigger could be triggered multiple times (#2275)

13.2.0 (13th June 2023)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:13.2.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:13.2.0
  • octoperf/octoperf-ui:13.2.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:13.2.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:13.2.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:13.2.0
  • octoperf/docker-agent:13.2.0
  • octoperf/utility-server:13.2.0


  • [Backend] Upgrade internal dependencies (Spring Boot 3.1, Playwright 1.35.0, etc.) (#2269)
  • [Kubernetes Agent] Ability to add tolerations to JMeter pods started by the agent via env properties (#2268)
  • [Design] Add Azure Active Directory correlation rules framework (#2259)
  • [Scheduler] Replace Jobrunr by Spring Thread Pool (#2159)

Bug Fixes

  • [Backend] API Docs: redirect from /swagger-ui returns an http 500 error (#2270)
  • [Scheduler] UI: on reload, wrong license was selected (#2263)
  • [Scheduler] Fix unrecognized field "jobRunTime" (#2262)
  • [Runtime] Default Report template rename Percentiles Chart Distribution (#2260)
  • [Agent] Self-signed SSL Certificate support was only working partially (#2257)
  • [Design] Recorder: Compute container timeline based on abs timestamps (#2254)
  • [Design] JMX file extension missing when exporting Virtual user as JMeter JMX (#2252)

13.1.0 (22nd May 2023)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:13.1.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:13.1.0
  • octoperf/octoperf-ui:13.1.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:13.1.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:13.1.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:13.1.0
  • octoperf/docker-agent:13.1.0
  • octoperf/utility-server:13.1.0


  • [Runtime] Centralized Queue: put / poll a centralized queue during a test (#2103)
  • [Agent] Support self-signed SSL Certificates with -e OCTOPERF_INSECURE=true env (#2215)
  • [Design] HAR Import: Container Name Recorder Tool (#2075)
  • [Backend] Upgrade internal dependencies (#2211)
  • [Agent] Update Vagrantfile to Ubuntu 22.04LTS (#2202)

Bug Fixes

  • [Runtime] CSV Offset doesn't work during vu validation when used in fragment (#2237)
  • [Enterprise] Displayed Agent IP might be wrong due to missing forward ip headers in nginx (#2241)
  • [Security] Reset password was not working properly (#2230)
  • [Design] JMX Export fails when vu name contains special characters (#2235)
  • [Runtime] Test stuck in PENDING when using a non existing provider (#2225)
  • [Build] Fix Docker Compose files permission issues (#2222)
  • [Jenkins Plugin] Fix a few security issues (#2203)
  • [Design] Sanity is slow when having 10+ csvs (#2212)

13.0.1 (1st March 2023)


Starting from this version we use the compose plugin for docker instead of docker-compose. All command lines have been updated to remove the '-' but if you do not have this plugin, you can still use docker-compose by editing them back in the makefile.

Docker Images

  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:13.0.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:13.0.1
  • octoperf/octoperf-ui:13.0.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:13.0.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:13.0.2
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:13.0.2
  • octoperf/docker-agent:13.0.0


  • [Backend] Upgrade internal dependencies (#2200)
  • [Runtime] Check scenario providers consistency on test launch (#2198)
  • [Runtime] Hide JMeter plugins download error in logs (#2193)
  • [Enterprise Edition] Set max upload size to 1GB by default (#2188)
  • [Kubernetes Agent] Support pod cpu / memory limits via env properties (#2178)
  • Elasticsearch 7.17.9 (#2171)
  • [Runtime] Upgrade to JMeter Webdriver 4.8.0 plugin (#1720)

Bug Fixes

  • [Admin] 404 not found when listing agents and having an incomplete agent registered (#2187)
  • [Runtime] Fix Json serialization of "userLoadRampup" (#2181)
  • [Backend] Reduce log verbosity on agent timeout (#2175)
  • [Runtime] Delete running Docker cloud instances when deleting provider (#2170)
  • [Runtime] JMeter: fix chown project files in OpenShift (#2166)
  • [Agent] Remove Legacy JWT Token (generated before 10.2021) support (#1914)

User Interface

  • [Design] Random timer imported from JMeter not displayed correctly (#1396)
  • [Design] Duplication of items when drag and dropping (#1390)
  • [Design] Ability to setup Response assertion without recorded/validation (#1368)
  • [Design] Validation Logs panel not updated when moving to another VU (#1366)
  • [Tools] Unable to terminate cloud instance (#1327)
  • Fonts are loaded from Google font URL (#1363)
  • Copy to clipboard does not work over http (#1352)

13.0.0 (1st February 2023)

If you use Oauth2 authentication, a change is required in application.yml:

client-authentication-method: basic


client-authentication-method: client_secret_basic

For a list of valid authentication methods, see Spring Security.

Docker Images

  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:13.0.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:13.0.0
  • octoperf/octoperf-ui:13.0.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:13.0.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:13.0.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:13.0.0
  • octoperf/docker-agent:13.0.0


  • [Load-Balancer] HAProxy is replaced by Nginx (#2167)
  • [Frontend] New user interface
  • [Backend] Support Kubernetes and OpenShift injection and monitoring agents (#2138)

Bug Fixes

  • [Backend] Upgrade Dependencies (#2149)
  • [Runtime] Deprecated Thymeleaf templates (#2162)
  • [Notifications] Jira Integration Improvements (#2156)
  • [Monitoring] Prometheus Monitor not parsing correctly metrics (#2153)
  • [Runtime] Harmonize SERVER_URL override in Docker and Kubernetes Agent (#2150)
  • [Runtime] Update a scheduled job automatically updates it (#2134)
  • [Security] Block disposable emails (#2147)
  • [Security] Block disposable emails (#2137)

12.12.3 (12th December 2022)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:12.12.3
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:12.12.3
  • octoperf/octoperf-ui:12.12.3
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.12.3
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.12.3-beta
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:12.11.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:12.11.0
  • octoperf/docker-agent:12.11.0

Bug Fixes

  • [Design] JMX Import: support Authorization Manager with basePath containing a variable (#2121)
  • [Backend] Upgrade various internal dependencies (#2116)
  • [Backend] Refactor to replace some Java Stream API by newer ones (#2114)
  • [Analysis] Sampling interval is now computed using the number of containers (#2109)
  • [Runtime] Shutdown cloud instance in a separate thread (#2106)

12.12.2 (22nd November 2022)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:12.12.2
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:12.12.2
  • octoperf/octoperf-ui:12.12.2
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.12.2
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.12.2-beta
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:12.11.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:12.11.0
  • octoperf/docker-agent:12.11.0


  • [Runtime] AWS: add support for eu-central-2 (Zurich, Switzerland) (#2100)
  • [Analysis] Add filtering by user profile on summary report items (#2077)
  • [Backend] Upgrade internal libraries (#2097)
  • [Security] LDAP: custom query filters on ldap query listing users (#2093)
  • [Analysis] PDF Export: enable printBackground (#2086)
  • [Runtime] Multiple runtime properties renamed (#2090)
  • [Design] API Endpoint: list virtual users by multiple project ids (#2079)
  • [Build] Upgrade to OpenJDK 17.0.5 (#2028)

Bug Fixes

  • [Analysis] Drawing Active Users line chart fails in rare cases with too many buckets error (#2109)
  • [Analysis] Filters on top chart do not refresh the line chart (#2064)
  • [Runtime] Retry faster when creating JMeter JMX Monitoring connections (#2102)
  • [Analysis] Disable PLaywright Skip Browser Download in dev mode (#2084)
  • [Design] Exclude Secret Variable from JMX Export (#2098)
  • [Monitoring] Configurable JMeter JMX max monitored JVMs count (#2094)
  • [Runtime] Elastic IPs: use single threaded execution to prevent race condition (#2050)

12.12.1 (11th October 2022)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:12.12.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:12.12.1
  • octoperf/octoperf-ui:12.12.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.12.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.12.1-beta
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:12.11.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:12.11.0
  • octoperf/docker-agent:12.11.0


  • [Security] Update Spam / Disposable Email Blocklist (#2070)
  • [Agent] Add Support for Podman (alternative to Docker) with octoperf.agent.orchestrator backend property (#2057)
  • [Design] Ability to replace one or more servers by another one in all requests (#2055)
  • [Security] keep EncryptedText as plain if empty (#2053)
  • [Design] UI: secret variable doc link update (#2051)
  • [Runtime] Elastic IPs: parallelize elastic ips assignation (#2050)
  • [Runtime] Aws: add support for Jakarta region (ap-southeast-3) (#2022)

Bug Fixes

  • [Monitoring] Use long-running task system when creating monitor connection to prevent timeout (#2072)
  • [Design] Improve virtual users per project loading time when having a lot of virtual users (#2071)
  • [Analysis] Support complex metrics such as Network Time in Percentiles (#2068)
  • [Agent] Update Docker image to fix crash on older Docker version <= 20.10.10 (#2058)
  • [Runtime] When removing a provider, keep scenario profiles with unselected provider (#2054)
  • [Runtime] UI: fix scale issue in scenario graph in frontend beta (#2052)
  • [Notifications] UI: Fix Jira Notification display issues (#2048)

12.12.0 (23rd September 2022)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:12.12.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:12.12.0
  • octoperf/octoperf-ui:12.12.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.12.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.12.0-beta
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:12.11.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:12.11.0
  • octoperf/docker-agent:12.11.0


  • [Scheduler] Optionally stop a test given a threshold severity is met (#2033)
  • [Notification] encrypt sensitive information (#2037)

12.11.0 (21st September 2022)

Octoperf Docker images have been updated and now require Docker >= 20.10.10 or newer.

Docker Images

  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:12.11.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:12.11.0
  • octoperf/octoperf-ui:12.11.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.11.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.11.0-beta
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:12.11.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:12.11.0
  • octoperf/docker-agent:12.11.0


  • [Agent] Reduce number of networks calls when creating containers (#2045)
  • [Design] Ability to replace one or more servers by another server in all http requests within the project (#2034)
  • [Scheduler] Improve error message when no suitable subscription is found (#2039)
  • [Design] New Secret Variable: stores an encrypted value (#2032)
  • [Database] Upgrade to Elasticsearch 7.17.6
  • [Security] Account activation could trigger activation event multiple times (#2020)
  • [Runtime] Remove unnecessary "% heap allocated" and "heap committed" from jmeter monitoring (#2019)
  • [Runtime] Webdriver: update to Selenium 4.4.x (#2016)
  • [Build] Upgrade to Java 17 (#2016)
  • [Analysis] Report was using "container" statistics when vu wasn't having any container with stats (#2014)
  • [Backend] internal dependencies upgrade (#2010)
  • [Runtime] Add support for new Azure / Amazon Aws regions (#2005)
  • [Runtime] Some JMeter containers could still be running after test is failing as ERROR while provisioning cloud instances (#2003)
  • [Security] Update Spam Email block list (#2002)
  • [Agent] Use SERVER_URL provided by agent in JMeter containers (#1960)
  • [Runtime] Upgrade to Apache JMeter 5.5 and OpenJDK 17 (#1958)
  • [Agent] Reduce log verbosity during normal operation, improve logs in case of failure (#1915)

Bug Fixes

  • [Design] Could not add pre / post processors to a webdriver action
  • [Design] UI: generic action edition was not refreshed when duplicating properties (#2029)
  • [Analysis] JMeter plugins reults may be missing if they generate sub-results (#1997)

12.10.1 (28th July 2022)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:12.10.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:12.10.1
  • octoperf/octoperf-ui:12.10.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.10.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.10.1-beta
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:12.9.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:12.9.1
  • octoperf/docker-agent:12.8.0


  • [Runtime] Limit number of errors per test using clustered atomic long (#1993)
  • [Backend] Upgrade internal dependencies to latest fix version (#1990)
  • [Runtime] Improve container scheduler algorithm according to already running containers (#1987)
  • [Scheduler] scheduled jobs are now interruptible (#1985)
  • [Backend] Remove deprecated Spring Security Config (#1980)

Bug Fixes

  • [Scheduler] Tags defined in scheduled jobs are overwritten in test report (#1983)
  • [Runtime] Static IPs are released too late, therefore not being reused correctly (#1982)
  • [Design] Cannot copy VU to another project when csv variable points to a non-existing file (#)
  • [Scheduler] Upgrade to JobRunr 5.1.6 which fixes the limit of 10 cron jobs (#1977)
  • [Scheduler] Generate and use random id for cron scheduled jobs (#1975)
  • [Scheduler] Fix connectivity issue when Elasticsearch has security enabled (#1974)
  • [Runtime] Pre-allocate JMeter's xmx to reserve memory (#1972)
  • [Runtime] Improve containers scheduling algorithm to avoid over-provisioning in some cases (#1940)

12.10.0 (5th July 2022)

Due to incompatible changes, once upgraded, it's not possible to downgrade to a prior version.

Docker Images

  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:12.10.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:12.10.0
  • octoperf/octoperf-ui:12.10.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.10.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.10.0-beta
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:12.9.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:12.9.1
  • octoperf/docker-agent:12.8.0


  • [Backend] Upgrade internal dependencies (#1965)
  • [Elasticsearch] Upgrade from 7.17.3 to 7.17.5 (#1959)
  • [Scheduler] Replace Quartz by JobRunr; removes postgresql as well (#1952)
  • [Notification] Mail: Add report name in mail subject (#1951)
  • [Runtime] Backend Listeners: unify installation using jmeter-plugins (#1936)
  • [Notification] Notify the user by mail in case the notification fails (#1926)
  • [Notification] Jira: Trigger a load test from Atlassian Jira (#1852)

Bug Fixes

  • [Scheduler] When creating a scheduled job, remaining tests is not displayed (#1957)
  • [Analysis] Fix race condition when deleting multiple bench reports (#1955)
  • [Analysis] Result Tree: fix p95 metric causing tree not to load (#1946)
  • [Design] JMX Import: keep User Defined Variables local to a thread group (#1945)
  • [Design] JMX Import: import user parameters in the right order (#1944)
  • [Analysis] Invalid number of errors in error details (#1943)
  • [Analysis] Templates: monitoring charts are saved with the wrong benchResultId (#1942)
  • [Analysis] Remove SLA metrics with unknown MetricId (#1934)
  • [Nightly Batches] Fix "Data too large" when running data eviction batches (#1933)
  • [Runtime] Reduce log verbosity when an on-premise test has not enough instances (#1930)
  • [Analysis] UI: multiple results tree conflict with each other (#1927)
  • [Notification] Ability to test a notification with a dummy event (#1926)
  • [Runtime] Datadog Backend Listener: erronously named "Dynatrace" (#1925)
  • [Runtime] AWS: disable warning log about inability to dissociate an Elastic IP (#1923)

12.9.1 (30th May 2022)

Due to incompatible changes, once upgraded, it cannot be downgraded to a prior version.

Docker Images

  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:12.9.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:12.9.1
  • octoperf/octoperf-ui:12.9.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.9.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.9.1-beta
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:12.9.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:12.9.1
  • octoperf/docker-agent:12.8.0


  • [Clustering] Local: replace PassiveMap by Caffeine Cache (#1916)
  • [Runtime] Check VU: configurable caching which is disabled by default (#1904)
  • [Design] Support custom Http Methods (example: webdav) (#1902)
  • [Design] Support variables in extractors / assertion check (#1876)
  • [Design] Postman: import basic / ntlm authentication (#1873)
  • [Design] Asynchronous task system for long running tasks (#1864)

Bug Fixes

  • [Notification] Avoid unnecessary backend logs when sending notifications (#1920)
  • [Runtime] Azure: fix code failing when trying to reboot non-existing instance (#1919)
  • [Backend] Fix cron trigger "hour of the day" (#1918)
  • [Runtime] Improve resiliency when stopping cloud instances (#1917)
  • [Scheduler] Scheduled job with multiple tests executes them too many times (#1910)
  • [Scheduler] Interrupt task if scheduled job is deleted while running (#1910)
  • [Design] NPE during postman import (#1908)
  • [Runtime] Delay end of test notification to avoid discrepancies between final results and notification (#1900)
  • [Notification] Catch exceptions when notifications aren't configured properly (#1899)

12.9.0 (9th May 2022)

This release features an Elasticsearch upgrade 7.16.3 => 7.17.3. For this reason, once upgraded, it cannot be downgraded to a prior version.

Docker Images

  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:12.9.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:12.9.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.9.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:12.8.4
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:12.8.4
  • octoperf/docker-agent:12.8.0


  • [Runtime] Ignore detailed errors from containers (#1892)
  • [Analysis] Add unique ids to Scenario / UserLoad profiles and bench report items (#1890)
  • [DB] Upgrade to Elasticsearch 7.17.3 (#1884)

Bug Fixes

  • [Scheduler] Refactor on backend side, no functional impact (#1893)
  • [Analysis] Remove useless "filters" field from Synopsis Report Item (#1891)

12.8.1 (28th April 2022)

This release introduces configurable Docker Registry per provider as well as a few bug fixes.

Due to incompatible changes, once upgraded, it cannot be downgraded to a prior version.

Docker Images

  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:12.8.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:12.8.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.8.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:12.8.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:12.8.0
  • octoperf/docker-agent:12.8.0


  • [Build] Upgrade base image to Ubuntu 22.04LTS (#1883)
  • [Runtime] Configurable Docker Registry per provider (#1865)
  • [K8s] Update Helm Chart to latest version available (#1878)
  • [Runtime] Prometheus Global Test Metrics Exporter Rest Api endpoint (#1857)
  • [Design] File Storage: introducing configurable disk quotas per project / result (#1871)

Bug fixes

  • [Backend] Better handle of excluded spring auto-configurations (#1880)
  • [Monitoring] Remove duplicate privateKey from Linux Monitor Connection (#1879)
  • [Runtime] Fail to launch Aws instances if no tags set in application.yml (#1877)
  • [Migration] Fix edge cases where the migration introduced in 12.8.0 would fail (#1867)
  • [Agent] Remove compatibility with 9.x agents (#1866)

12.8.0 (7th April 2022)

This release includes a database migration of bench reports, SLA profiles and SLA monitor connections. For this reason, once upgraded, it cannot be downgraded to a prior version.

Docker Images

  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:12.8.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:12.8.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.8.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:12.8.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:12.8.0
  • octoperf/docker-agent:12.8.0


  • [Analysis] Simplify metrics format by moving metric creation to backend side (#1825)
  • [Analysis] Collect detailed errors even for non-http samplers (#1842)
  • [Notifications] New filter by scenario name (#1808)
  • [Security] Ability to restrict oauth2 authentication allowed username domains (#1666)
  • [Runtime] DigitalOcean cloud instance may stay stuck in RUNNING state if it doesn't exist anymore (#1853)
  • [Design] Sanity check endpoint accepting multiple virtualUserIds (#1848)
  • [Design] JMX Import: Improve query parameter encoding detection (#1847)
  • [Design] JMX Import: JSR223 Sampler with children as generic (#1845)
  • [Saas] [Licensing] Ability to consume multiple tests in a single shot (#1827)
  • [Design] [Validation] View requests / responses for dynamic resources (#1828)
  • [Security] Update Disposable mail block list (#1836)
  • [JMeter Plugin] Reduce plugin JAR file size (#1838)
  • [Backend] Replace Guava by Caffeine caches (#1833)
  • [Backend] Upgrade Hazelcast 3.2.x => 4.2.x (#1167)
  • Upgrade Backend Libraries / Dependencies (#1823)

Bug fixes

  • [Runtime] Possible NPE when waiting for a DigitalOcean cloud instance to start but provider failed to create it (#1863)
  • [Elasticsearch] Prior to taking a snapshot, the task verifies the repository is working fine (#1860)
  • [Validation] Post data is incorrectly displayed in request query string as well (#1841)
  • [Analysis] Some reports for very short tests with 1x iteration had no results (#1834)
  • [Runtime] Improve Microsoft Azure logs in case of failure (#1831)
  • [Agent] Reduce log verbosity when an exception occurs while processing a message (#1830)

12.7.1 (1st April 2022)

This is a security release to address Spring4Shell vulnerability. Also see Spring Blog Post. This security issue is not known to impact our application as of now, but we prefer to address it anyway.

Docker Images

  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:12.7.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:12.7.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.7.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:12.7.2
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:12.7.2
  • octoperf/docker-agent:12.2.0

Bug fixes

  • [Security] Fix Spring4shell vulnerability; upgrade to Spring Boot 2.6.6 and Spring 5.3.18 (#1859)

12.7.0 (7th March 2022)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:12.7.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:12.7.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.7.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:12.7.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:12.7.0
  • octoperf/docker-agent:12.2.0


  • [Analysis] Support JMeter Plugins "dynamic" sub-results (#1801)
  • [Backend] Reduce code dependency to Jaxb (#1819)
  • [Agent] Update Vagrantfile from Ubuntu xenial 16.04LTS to bionic 20.04LTS (#1822)
  • [Security] Update disposable mail domain block list (#1809)
  • [Scheduler] Ability to edit an existing scheduled job (new UI only) (#1811)
  • [Design] Support Json Path Assertion natively (#1733)
  • [Analysis] Support a few variables (like ${PROJECT_NAME}) in Bench Report templates (#1649)
  • [Design] JMX Import: leave header managers in place to keep headers centralized (#1802)
  • [Runtime] Cloud Instances: double-check if an instance has been properly terminated (#1794)
  • [Runtime] Microsoft Azure: improve deletion of vm associated OS disk and primary network iface (#1767)
  • [Runtime] JMeter: upgrade to rxJava 3 (#1677)
  • [Design] Search: allow searching separately on request / response body and/or headers (#1792)

Bug fixes

  • [Clustering] Hazelcast: fix long-term memory leak of distributed objects not being discarded properly (#1814)
  • [Runtime] JMeter HLS Sampler: add jaxb-api as dependency to fix NoClassDefFoundError (#1820)
  • [Runtime] Set UTF-8 as the default request encoding if none has been specified (#1816)
  • [Runtime] Special characters in a stringProp weren't encoded properly when generating JMX (#1807)
  • [Scheduler] Both, a day-of-week AND a day-of-month parameter, are not supported (#1810)
  • [Runtime] Creating monitor connections for JMeter hosts / JVMs when launching 10+ containers on the same host may fail (#1805)
  • [Runtime] JMeter: show an exception in JMeter logs when a request has a malformed url (#1803)
  • [Design] HAR Import: detect more accurately when a query / post parameter must be encoded (#1799)
  • [Design] JMeter JMX Import: support filenames with spaces and special characters (#1798)
  • [Runtime] Validation Rest Controller should return results in terminal states too (#1796)

12.6.1 (3rd February 2022)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:12.6.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:12.6.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.6.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:12.5.4
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:12.5.4
  • octoperf/docker-agent:12.2.0


  • [Elasticsearch] Custom Health indicator to support new Java SDK (#1787)
  • [Backend] Upgrade various dependencies (#1786)
  • [Design] JMeter Plugins: reload plugin definitions periodically (#1780)
  • [API Docs] Switch from Springfox to SpringDoc (#1766)
  • [Runtime] External Reporting: upgrade dynatrace backend listener 1.7.x => 1.8.x (#1765)

Bug fixes

  • [Design] JMeter Import: properly import as delays => flow control + timers (#1793)
  • [Runtime] Random names generator: revert to older library; improve randomness (#1790)
  • [Analysis] Bench Report Template: concurrent users curve should be kept (#1788)
  • [Elasticsearch] Purging old snapshots is skipped due to SDK bug when creating a snapshot (#1784)
  • [Security] Update temporary email blocklist (#1783)
  • [Runtime] Fix possible race condition when aborting a test in PREPARING state (#1782)
  • [Analysis] Fix PDF export display issue (#1781)
  • [Scheduler] UI: zoom on schedule has no mouseover messsage (#1711)

12.6.0 (18th January 2022)

This release features a significant database upgrade. Please make sure to backup Elasticsearch data before performing the upgrade.

Docker Images

  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:12.6.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:12.6.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.6.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:12.5.4
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:12.5.4
  • octoperf/docker-agent:12.2.0


  • [DB] Elasticsearch Upgrade 7.10.2 => 7.16.3 (#1741)

Bug fixes

  • [Design] [Runtime] When importing a JMX with url encoded path / query parameters, the execution may fail due to encoding issues (#1777)
  • [Providers] Restrict access to agent containers to admin users of provider's workspace (#1774)
  • [Admin] Users view only finds users by exact match (#1773)
  • [Admin] Users view returns a 400 Bad Request when no / empty username is provided (#1769)
  • [Admin] Restore the ability to list all workspaces (#1768)
  • [Design] When GET request has POST body, query parameters aren't encoded correctly (#1763)

12.5.4 (3rd January 2022)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:12.5.4
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:12.5.4
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.5.4
  • octoperf/elasticsearch-oss:7.10.2
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:12.5.4
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:12.5.4
  • octoperf/docker-agent:12.2.0

Bug Fixes

  • [Runtime] Upgrade to JMeter 5.4.3 (#1764)

12.5.3 (20th December 2021)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:12.5.3
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:12.5.3
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.5.3
  • octoperf/elasticsearch-oss:7.10.2
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:12.5.3
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:12.5.3
  • octoperf/docker-agent:12.2.0


  • [Runtime] Upgrade to JMeter 5.4.2 which addresses log4j vulnerability (#1759)
  • [Design] Support GET requests with a body (#1754)
  • [Design] Files: new endpoints which includes last modified time (#1736)
  • [Notification] Improve Microsoft Teams Notifications (#1725)
  • [Backend] Configurable amazon ec2 instance tags via application.yml (#1723)
  • [Backend] Upgrade various dependencies to latest version (#1719)
  • [Runtime] Datadog External Reporting (#1718)

Bug fixes

  • [Agent] Avoid logging an error when an agent causes a timeout while retrieving messages from backend (#1758)
  • [Nightly Batch] Fail to iterate over virtual users during a batch due to entity content is too long error (#1750)
  • [Runtime] when deleting a provider, associated static IPs must be released (#1746)
  • [Clustering] Hazelcast: thread is not owner of the lock (#1745)
  • [Runtime] Reduce logs verbosity when an on-premise provider has insufficient resources (#1744)
  • [Runtime] Reduce log verbosity in case a static ip doesn't exists anymore (#1739)
  • [Runtime] Microsoft Azure: handle the corner-case where the instance doesn't exist (#1737)
  • [Design] Fix Too Many open scrolls issue when importing a HAR with many requests (#1735)
  • [Log4J] Add -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true to Elasticsearch to address vulnerability (#1734)
  • [Backend] Fix incorrect error message when an item is not found (#1731)
  • [Analysis] UI: variance must be divided by 1000 (#1727)
  • [Runtime] Scheduled jobs launched by a disabled user must fail to run (#1726)
  • [SSO] Fix potential race-condition in Oauth2 login handler (#1721)

12.5.2 (25th November 2021)

Due to a new setting added (keep-alive header), once upgraded, you cannot downgrade to a previous version.

Docker Images

  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:12.5.2
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:12.5.2
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.5.2
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:12.4.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:12.4.1
  • octoperf/docker-agent:12.2.0


  • [Mail] Use configured from email in email templates (#1717)
  • [Runtime] Improve the way errors are counted (#1714)
  • [Notifications] Microsoft Teams: add report using markdown syntax (#1710)
  • [Design] HAR Import: by default, do not store recorded responses for resources like images, fonts, videos etc. (#1707)
  • [Design] Store recorded requests and responses in database by default (#1703)
  • [Runtime] Http Keep-alive setting can now be configured from Device settings from the user profile (#1700)
  • [Runtime] Store error requests and responses in database instead of files (#1697)
  • [Runtime] APM: Add Instana X-INSTANA-SYNTHETIC header (#1695)
  • [Design] Sanity Check: warn when same csv file is simultaneously used by multiple csv variables (#1692)

Bug fixes

  • [Runtime] Fail with an error when trying to run a test with zero user profiles (#1716)
  • [Runtime] JMeter crashes when a module controller points to no element (#1715)
  • [Scheduler] Fix HTTP 403 Forbidden when deleting a scheduled job (#1712)
  • [Runtime] When using a keystore with multiple aliases, only the first one is loaded (#1699)
  • [Design] Correlation Rules: fix potential ClassCast exception when extracting an empty value (#1694)

12.5.1 (29th October 2021)

Due to several security improvements, once upgraded, you cannot downgrade to a previous version.

Docker Images

  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:12.5.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:12.5.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.5.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:12.4.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:12.4.1
  • octoperf/docker-agent:12.2.0


  • [Security] Use a stronger password hashing algorithm (#1543)
  • [Security] Replace JWT token library by a more robust one (#1544)
  • [Security] Use temporary signed JWT tokens for user sessions (#1689)
  • [Design] JMX Import: do not substitute variables by values in http headers (#1686)
  • [Scheduler] Notify user by email when a scheduled jobs fails unexpectedly (#1679)
  • [Backend] Upgrade various internal dependencies to latest stable version (#1676)
  • [Security] Updated Spam email blacklist (#1675)

Bug fixes

  • [API Docs] Fix parsing issue regarding dates (#1690)
  • [Scheduler] Cron expression evaluation discrepancy between frontend and backend (#1683)
  • [Design] Assertions check returns false when configured with OR and empty patterns list (#1678)
  • [Design] Add "content-type" setting to multipart form fields (#1674)
  • [Monitoring] agentId was removed from monitor connections if agent is not connected anymore (#1671)

12.5.0 (1st October 2021)

Due to a database migration of providers, once upgraded, you cannot downgrade to a previous version.

Docker Images

  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:12.5.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:12.5.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.5.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:12.4.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:12.4.1
  • octoperf/docker-agent:12.2.0


  • [Runtime] reduce test logs verbosity / improve error logging (#1665)
  • [Providers] Improve encryption on sensitive configuration (#1606)

Bug fixes

  • [Design] Saas: Improve junk email filter on registration (#1670)
  • [Providers] Static / Elastic IPs weren't released when deleting a provider (#1669)
  • [Analysis] All Bench reports last modified date were updated by the batch process evicting old results from database (#1664)
  • [Scheduler] scheduled job cannot be enabled because it has a next run in the past (#1662)
  • [Design] Duplicating a virtual user with a fragment to the same project duplicated the fragment (#1658)
  • [Design] Users may not have access to Tests results of a project after being moved to their workspace (#1654)
  • [Design] Links to fragments not working when transfering a fragment with a link to itself (#1653)
  • [Runtime] test is failed only when a critical alert happens (#1647)

12.4.2 (7th September 2021)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:12.2.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:12.4.2
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:12.4.2
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.4.2
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:12.4.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:12.4.1


  • [Workspace] New "Test Executor" role which can run tests and edit reports (#1633)
  • [Sanity Check] Check if a raw variable is being used in scripts (#1643)
  • [Backend] Dependencies upgrade to latest stable (#1640)
  • [Runtime] Disable Debug actions automatically during a load test (#1628)
  • [Design] Sanity check: info message when ip spoofing is enabled (#924)

Bug Fixes

  • [Backend] Enable Elasticsearch health indicator / Disable Hazelcast health indicator by default (#1641)
  • [Runtime] Check VU stuck in INITIALIZING state stays as is (#1645)
  • [Runtime] Empty Backend Listener breaks the test on JMeter side (#1631)
  • [Design] JMX Import: Json extractor from variable should be imported as generic (#1637)
  • [Design] Projects could be moved to another workspace by read-only users (#1636)
  • [Design] Importing a postman collection doesn't set the right tags (#1634)
  • [SSO] User's last modified timestamp not updated on login (#1630)
  • [Design] HAR Import: limit imported post bodies to 5MB (#1625)
  • [Design] Could not list project virtual users when having many very big ones (#1632)
  • [Backend] Minor internal code improvement (#1621)
  • [Monitoring] Users could see agents they had not the permission to (#1620)

12.4.1 (2nd July 2021)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:12.2.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:12.4.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:12.4.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.4.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:12.4.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:12.4.1


  • [Runtime] Add octoperf.runtime.abort-stale-test.timeout-min property to customize the timeout after which a stuck / stale test is aborted (#1618)
  • [Runtime] Add octoperf.runtime.check-vu.max-iterations property to customize the max number of iterations allowed during a check vu (#1618)
  • [Runtime] Dynatrace / Influxdb external reporting: add virtualUserName tag (#1615)

Bug Fixes

  • [Design] JMX Import: better handling of default http port when only scheme is detected (#1619)
  • [Runtime] action ids of linked actions not translated to names (#1612)
  • [Backend] Upgrade Backend dependencies (#1614)
  • [Check VU] Saas: increase data retention time to 3 days (#1613)
  • [Runtime] Cookies: compatibility mode should not use "standard" mode (#1611)
  • [Scheduler] Unschedule job if execution fails due to missing license (#1610)
  • [Backend] Enable Elasticsearch health indicator (#1609)
  • [Scheduler] UI: "no tasks" displayed even when one task created (#1607)
  • [Migration] Re-schedule only recurring scheduled jobs (#1605)

12.4.0 (25th June 2021)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:12.2.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:12.4.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:12.4.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.4.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:12.4.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:12.4.0


  • [Runtime] UI: Toggle button to enable / disable Apply All options at once (#1597)
  • [Scheduler] New task which allows to schedule a list of scenarios to run sequentially (#1595)
  • [Runtime] Improve error message when on-premise provider has not enough instances (#1594)
  • [Design] Copy VU: copy fragments recorded requests / responses (#1591)
  • [Runtime] Improve resiliency when shutting down cloud instances (#1586)
  • [Design] JMX Import: support importing multiple JMX files grouped in a zip and linked via Include Controllers (#1585)
  • [Runtime] Scenario: reduce default "throughput per vu" (#1578)
  • [Design] HAR Import: add numbers to transaction names (#1577)
  • [Runtime] Integrate support of Datadog, Graphite and InfluxDB Backend Listeners / External Reporting (#1573)
  • [Runtime] Upgrade to JMeter 5.4.1 (#1487)
  • [Backend] Update dependencies to latest stable version (#1582)

Bug Fixes

  • [Design] Random Variable not supports min and max values as long instead of integer (#1603)
  • [Runtime] UI: when editing the load curve, the tooltip may stay stuck on the screen (#1599)
  • [System] Test results eviction system may not delete some old tests when no bench report is associated (#1598)
  • [Design] JMX Export: comply with JMeter standard when exporting constant variables (#596)
  • [System] Updated temporary mail block list (#1593)
  • [Doc] Incorrect page displayed after closing "APM" sub-menu (#1592)
  • [Design] Copy VU: fix a stack overflow when a fragment has a link to itself (#1591)
  • [Runtime] Mapping action ids to names may fail if same action id seen multiple times (#1590)
  • [Runtime] Duration displayed twice on license selection (#1588)
  • [Runtime] Order providers by ascending name by default (#1583)
  • [Design] Sanity Check: ignore cookies when first item is a fragment (#1581)
  • [Design] HAR Import: some requests were skipped / falsely seen as cached (#1580)
  • [Design] JMX Import: increase compatibility with JMX generated by a third party tool (#1579)
  • [Doc] Fix Link to Usage Logs page (#1524)

12.3.1 (26th May 2021)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:12.2.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:12.3.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:12.3.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.3.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:12.2.2
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:12.2.2


  • [Design] HAR Import: add incremental number to container name (#1577)
  • [Design] JMX Import: CSV dataset inside the thread group are now imported as generic jmeter action (#1571)
  • [Account] Extend activation link lifetime to 2 hours (#1565)
  • [Provider] AWS: add internal support for c5a and m5a instances (#1564)
  • [Design] HAR Import: thinktime as delays should be defined before the container (#1563)
  • [Design] Disable "follow redirects" and "download resources" by default on http requests (#1562)
  • [Design] Improve Sanity Check documentation integration (#1523)
  • [Workspace] Support Microsoft Teams Notifications (#1475)

Bug Fixes

  • [Design] UI: visual issues when editing correlation rule with xpath extractor (#1576)
  • [Notification] from email must be user's mail, not OctoPerf's one (#1575)
  • [Design] JMX Import: Ignore disable CSV dataset (#1574)
  • [Runtime] CSV variable not detected when used in multipart file parameter (#1569)
  • [Design] Sanity Check: conflicting csv columns detected when empty columns defined (#1568)
  • [Design] Postman Import: fix various issues (#1566)
  • [Design] Documentation panel may fail to load (#1561)
  • [Design] Sanity Check: check hosts file presence and foreach input variable (#593)

12.3.0 (4th May 2021)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:12.2.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:12.3.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:12.3.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.3.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:12.2.2
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:12.2.2


  • [Workspace] Remove invite button on members management panel (#1554)
  • [Runtime] Rename Device to User-agent header (#1553)
  • [Runtime] Apply heavy VU memory settings when it contains more than 500 requests (#1550)
  • [Account] Security: ability to generate a new api-key which invalidates the previous one (#1545)
  • [Design] Sanity check: integrate documentation (#1523)
  • [Design] HAR Import: ability to generate think times as delays between containers (#151)
  • [Runtime] Scenario: ability to scale whole test duration of all user profiles at once (#1500)
  • [Analysis] When viewing a detailed error, display number of occurrences of this error during the test (#1470)
  • [Design] Import Postman collections (#417)

Bug Fixes

  • [Analysis] Tree / Table metrics are always showing 0 when only a single data-point collected (#1560)
  • [Design] JMX Import: improve compability with JMX generated by third party tools (#1557)
  • [Providers] AWS: exclude US_ISO regions when configuring provider regions (#1552)
  • [Design] Fail to copy VU to another project when an empty filename is configured somewhere (#1549)

12.2.2 (15th April 2021)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:12.2.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:12.2.2
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:12.2.2
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.2.2
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:12.2.2
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:12.2.2

Bug Fixes

  • [Analysis] Throughput from dynamic resources is counted twice (#1547)
  • [Admin] Editing a shared license doesn't work (#1540)
  • [Design] Recorded requests / responses not copied when copying & pasting an http request (#1539)
  • [Analysis] When canceling report export with pending save, export button is blocked (#1538)
  • [Analysis] very small values are not displayed in pie chart (#1518)

12.2.1 (2nd April 2021)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:12.2.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:12.2.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:12.2.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.2.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:12.2.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:12.2.0


  • [Design] Sanity Check: check if a script file exists if any configured (#1530)
  • [Runtime] Microsoft Azure SDK Updated to 2.2.x which fixes a dependency conflict on oidc / nimbus (#1481)

Bug Fixes

  • [Runtime] Load Generator's Linux monitoring is not working; regression from 12.2.0 (#1546)
  • [Design] HAR Import: save Javascript (.js) recorded responses (#1537)
  • [Runtime] setup / tear-down virtual user is replaced by main virtual user when running a test (#1535)
  • [Security] Redirect user to activation page if activation link is expired (#1533)
  • [Design] CSV Variable file upload doesn't trigger auto-save (#1531)
  • [License] Limit License sharing name length to 100 chars (#1529)
  • [Design] Sanity Check is broken when a CSV variable file is missing (#1528)

12.2.0 (24th March 2021)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:12.2.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:12.2.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:12.2.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.2.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:12.2.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:12.2.0


  • [Analysis] hit/s metric is now supported in Tree and Table report items (#1504)
  • [Agent] agent self monitoring does not require local SSH connection anymore (#1491)
  • [Design] ability to start at a given CSV variable line (#1474)
  • [Design] ability to copy a VU to another project (#1472)
  • [Design] new timing metrics displayed on Check VU responses (#1471)
  • [Saas] [License] ability to share a license (#1469)
  • [Design] ability to override or define requests/responses as recorded (#369)
  • [Design] ability to run multiple iterations during Check VU (#369)
  • [Design] natively support Xpath and JQuery JMeter processors (#332)

Bug Fixes

  • [Runtime] Set runtime property changed from async to sync execution (#1511)
  • [Design] fragment was included twice when exporting a fragment VU (#1508)
  • [AWS] [Provider] improve fault tolerance while creating a new AWS provider (#1505)
  • [Runtime] error message simplified when there is not enough machines to run the test (#1503)

12.1.1 (10th February 2021)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:11.9.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:12.1.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:12.1.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.1.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:11.9.4
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:11.9.4


  • Backend clustering: fix a memory leak when using Hazelcast (#1492)
  • Runtime: log a warning in test logs when there are not enough static IPs to assign to cloud instances (#1476)

Bug Fixes

  • Sanity check: fix comparison of host header with server hostname and port (#1494)
  • Setting a runtime property is now only allowed sequentially; concurrent updates are rejected (#1489)
  • Fix ContentTooLongException when opening a project with virtual users containing thousands of requests (#1485)

12.1.0 (19th January 2021)

Elasticsearch has been upgraded from 7.4.2 to 7.10.2.

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:11.9.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:12.1.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:12.1.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.1.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:11.9.4
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:11.9.4


  • Elasticsearch: upgrade from 7.4.2 to 7.10.2 (#1310)
  • Auto-Correlation: improve algorithm speed by parallelizing computation (#1479)
  • Update SAML and Token Correlation Frameworks (#988)
  • Upgrade Java version to (#1454)
  • Backend dependencies upgrade (#1454)

Bug Fixes

  • Database: older snapshots may not be deleted when snapshot repository is slow (#1453)
  • Design: list Virtual User may throw an error when many big virtual users are containing 2000+ requests (#1467)
  • UI: Usage Logs only displaying info for the first workspace (#1465)

12.0.4 (12th January 2021)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:11.9.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:12.0.4
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:12.0.4
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.0.4
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:11.9.4
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:11.9.4


  • Design: speedup Correlation Rules computation (#1463)
  • Add version number to UI (#1440)

Bug Fixes

  • Runtime: cloud instances may be stopped while a test is in PREPARING state (#1464)
  • Analysis: Threshold table missing when creating report template (#1462)
  • UI: fix display issue with VU selection in correlation rules pages (#1461)
  • Wen link action is disabled, the linked action must be disabled too (#1456)

12.0.3 (4th December 2020)

This release is focused on improving disk space usage related to recorded requests and responses, error requests and responses, jmeter logs and project files.

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:11.9.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:12.0.3
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:12.0.3
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.0.3
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:11.9.4
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:11.9.4


  • [Runtime] Limit the total number of detailed errors requests / responses stored via octoperf.runtime.errors.max-per-test=500 (#1448)
  • [Runtime] Providers: new memory setting for "Heavy Virtual Users" (#1441)
  • [Design] HAR Import: recorded responses of static resources are skipped to save disk space (#1438)
  • [Validation] Virtual User validations are now stored within Elasticsearch by default (#1436)
  • Elasticsearch: configurable client buffer limit (#1431)

Bug Fixes

  • [Design] Delete project files when deleting a project (#1452)
  • [Analysis] Delete files associated to a bench result when the result is deleted (#1451)
  • [Runtime] Do not copy project files into result files when launching a test to reduce disk space usage (#1449)
  • [Notifications] Post only distinct messages to avoid spamming slack channel (#1446)
  • [Elasticsearch] Improved settings for default scroll size and timeout (#1444)
  • [Migration] SLA Profiles weren't migrated to new metric format (#1443)
  • [Notification] Typo in Test Started Slack message (#1442)
  • [Design] Cyclic dependency when using fragment was detected but there was none (#1439)

12.0.2 (16th November 2020)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:11.9.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:12.0.2
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:12.0.2
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.0.2
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:11.9.4
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:11.9.4


  • [Elasticsearch] Configurable properties to adjust elasticsearch default scroll size / keep-alive (#1430)
  • [UI] Display a notification when results are about to be removed as part of data eviction (#1424)
  • [UI] Improve Correlation Rules Panel layout (#1417)
  • [Admin] Allow Admin users to update Public providers (#1415)
  • [Runtime] User profiles: replace browser label by the location (#1414)

Bug Fixes

  • [Migration] Migrate SLA Monitor Connections to the new metric format (#1429)
  • [Design] UI: back to previous page button not working in files panel (#1423)
  • [Correlation Rules] Support url encoded / decoded values injection into HTTP headers (#1422)
  • [Microsoft Azure] increase timeout when creating / starting container to prevent test launch failure (#1420)
  • [Correlation Rules] Injecting several variables within the same field at once is not working (#1419)
  • [Account] Ability to send a new activation email if the previous expired / was never received (#1413)
  • [Correlation Rules] Implement variants (url encode / decode) in HTTP headers (#1412)
  • [UI] Scheduler: use project tags by default (#1411)
  • [UI] Workspaces drop-down: make it clear when more workspaces are existing (#1407)
  • [Design] Support CSV with both columns in filename and defined as columns in variable (#1232)

12.0.1 (2nd November 2020)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:11.9.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:12.0.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:12.0.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.0.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:11.9.4
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:11.9.4


  • [Scheduler] Ability to run one-off tests (#1389)
  • [Backend] Upgrade various internal dependencies to latest version (#1393)

Bug Fixes

  • [Scheduler] UI: Cron expression ui validation can be bypassed sometimes (#1410)
  • [Scheduler] UI: One-off tasks date picker is not in UTC (#1409)
  • [Design] Debug Sampler: validation content is not displayed when opening it (#1408)
  • [Design] UI: Variable auto-completion does refresh when creating a variable (#1405)
  • [Design] UI: Due to a race condition, deleting a server may not delete associated requests (#1403)
  • [Scheduler] Scheduled jobs next run are not refreshed when enabling / disabling it (#1402)
  • [Admin] Admin panel only accessible after logout then login (#1401)
  • [Saas] When a new user registers, the Free subscription is not tied to its account (#1399)
  • [Audit Logs] when evicting audit logs is enabled, all logs are evicted (#1397)
  • [Subscriptions] UI: hide Credit Card / Subscribe buttons in Enterprise (#1396)
  • [Design] Server are not up to date in Virtual User when coming from servers page (#1395)
  • [Design] UI: validation button are hidden when provider name is too long (#1394)
  • [Scheduler] UI: timezone must be in UTC (#1391)
  • [Admin] UI: Admin menu not working after clicking on profile (#1390)

12.0.0 (23rd October 2020)

This release introduces the following major features:

  • Test Scheduler: schedule and periodically run your load tests, directly from the platform,
  • Test Notifications: get notified by slack, email or webhook when a test is started, finished, passed or failed,
  • Revamped Top Menu: new top menu with direct access to files, servers, scheduled tests, notifications and more,
  • Account Email Activation: when a user registers a new account, email activation can now be enabled,
  • Enterprise Free License: now, you can concurrently execute up to 10 user profiles in a single scenario (instead of 2).

This version migrates the users indice. You cannot downgrade to 11.x.x once upgraded to 12.0.x.

Also, some settings have been changed, see migration guide for more information.

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:11.9.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:12.0.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:12.0.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:12.0.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:11.9.4
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:11.9.4


  • [Analysis] New Metric: 80th centile (#1384)
  • [Workspace] Get notified by slack, email or webhook when a test is started, finished, failed, passed or errored (#1365)
  • [Elasticsearch] Support creating indices with aliases through config (#1358)
  • [Design] JMeter JMX Import: enable / disable adblocking to filter undesirable requests (#1353)
  • [User Account]when a user registers a new account, email activation can now be enabled (#1351)
  • [User Account] Enrich Temporary Email Domains block list (#1350)
  • [Runtime] Enable / Disable Audit logs eviction after XX months (#1349)
  • [UI] Enable / Disable Browser Cache (#1347)
  • [UI] New Top menu with direct access to servers, files, scenarios, notifications, scheduled tests and more (#1344)
  • [Runtime] Test Scheduler: periodically run tests (#1288)
  • [Saas] Allow users to upgrade their credit card (#1338)
  • [Saas] Plans now have specific VAT for french customers (#1339)

Bug Fixes

  • [Analysis] Dynamic Resources metrics not shown in report when using the override setting in scenario profiles (#1363)
  • [Backend] Workspaces lastModified is not updated on save (#1362)
  • [User Account] Improve error message when login fails (#1357)
  • [Backend] In some cases, cascading deletion is not propagated, orphaned data is left (#1348)
  • [Profile] fix memory per VU displayed in subscription selection (#1346)
  • [Runtime] Truncate userload name when they are too long (#1345)
  • [License] License check may not pick optimal license
  • [Runtime] AWS: exclude us-east-1e from zones as it doesn't have m5 instances (#1341)

11.9.4 (17th September 2020)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:11.9.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:11.9.4
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:11.9.4
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:11.9.4
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:11.9.4
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:11.9.4


  • [Runtime] Disable JMeter Cache Manager when cacheSize <= 0 (#1333)
  • [Backend] upgrade all dependencies (#1325)
  • [Design] Multipart Http Post: add browser compatibility headers option (#1319)
  • [Design] Correlations Rules: handle values which need to be url decoded twice (#1313)
  • [Design] Option to enable / disable filtering undesirable requests during HAR import (#1287)
  • Support mixed case filenames (#1272)

Bug Fixes

  • [Runtime] Automatically stop tests stuck in PREPARING state for more than 20 minutes (#1332)
  • [Frontend] Youtube / Twitter API is called when loading Enterprise UI (#1326)
  • [JMeter Import] SetRuntimeProperty action is imported as generic jmeter action (#1323)
  • Correlation Rules: do not uncheck encode option when applying correlation rules on query / post params (#1320)
  • [Validation] Query parameters without value are wrongly displayed with an equal sign (#1307)
  • [Runtime] Encode reserved URI chars when within query parameters only (#1314)
  • [Runtime] When using the same csv file in multiple shared csv variables, the file was split multiple times (#1312)
  • Send a mail to warn that password was changed from OctoPerf backend (#144)

11.9.3 (25th August 2020)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:11.9.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:11.9.3
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:11.9.3
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:11.9.3
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:11.9.2
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:11.9.2


  • [Design] Move project from one workspace to another (#1301)
  • [Design] Servers can be removed in bulk using search and replace (#1298)

Bug Fixes

  • [Providers] When configuring provider regions, removing one region removes multiple ones (#1309)
  • [Runtime] CSV is not splitted when used in setup / teardown only (#1306)

11.9.2 (22nd July 2020)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:11.9.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:11.9.2
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:11.9.2
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:11.9.2
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:11.9.2
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:11.9.2


  • [Runtime] AWS: support Milan - Italy - eu-south-1 (#1296)
  • [Runtime] Launch cloud instances from different providers in parallel (#1278)
  • [Runtime] Ability to increase all userloads at once (#1271)
  • [Runtime] AWS: support Hong Kong (#989)

Bug Fixes

  • [Runtime] Throughput Thinktime not computed correctly when set in hours (#1297)
  • [Runtime] UI: summary report may not display correctly in some cases (#1295)
  • [Runtime] Improved Throughput Thinktime label (#1294)
  • [Runtime] Default report template is not applied when launching test (#1293)
  • [Admin] UI: glitch when displaying user admin status (#1289)
  • [Runtime] JMeter JMX: connect timeout is set with response timeout (#1286)
  • [Runtime] SSH Keys are duplicate when launching DigitalOcean droplets (#1282)
  • [Design] HAR Import: .jsp requests must not be filtered as resource (#1281)
  • [Runtime] Thinktime label in UI is misleading (#1280)
  • Json Processor documentation link is broken (#1269)
  • [UI] administration panel display issues (#1258)

11.9.1 (24th June 2020)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:11.9.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:11.9.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:11.9.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:11.9.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:11.9.2
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:11.9.2


  • [Backend] Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.3.1.RELEASE (#1260)
  • [VU Validation] Disable Cache Manager during virtual user validation (#1276)

Bug Fixes

  • [Design] JMX Import: authorization manager (#1277)
  • [Runtime] JMeter: ParallelSampler plugin results are not working properly (#1275)
  • [Runtime] Downgrade to JMeter 5.2.1 due to SSL issues with ParallelSampler plugin (#1274)
  • [Design] JMX: fragments are not exported correctly (#1273)

11.9.0 (12th June 2020)

This release introduces two majors features:

  • Apache JMeter 5.3: upgraded from JMeter 5.2.1 to 5.3,
  • setUp and tearDown thread groups: profiles can now be configured to have a setUp and/or tearDown thread group.

This release also fixes a critical bug: monitoring may still continue even when test is stopped. (#1268)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:11.9.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:11.9.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:11.9.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:11.9.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:11.9.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:11.9.0


  • [Runtime] Upgrade to JMeter 5.3 (#1253)
  • [Design] Improve handling of JSR223 script with filename (#1262)
  • [Runtime] JMeter: httpsampler.embedded_resources_use_md5=true by default (#1250)
  • [Runtime] AWS: enable Bahrain and South Africa regions (#1248)

Bug Fixes

  • [Agent] Support Auto-upgrading agents running on ephemeral cloud instances (#1270)
  • [Runtime] Monitoring may still be running even when the test has been stopped or is finished (#1268)
  • [Analysis] UI: SLA Apdex field not removed with you switch to another type of metric (#1257)
  • [Runtime] Finished JMeter containers not cleaned up at the end of the test (#1256)
  • [Design] Set Property Action throws an error when using an empty key (#1246)
  • [Design] UI: Module Controller is not properly enabled after import (#1245)

11.8.0 (15th May 2020)

This version highlights are:

  • Improved Top report item with integrated charts,
  • New SetRuntimeProperty action: easily update a runtime property from within your script,
  • Improved alerting on JMeter JVM heap use.

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:11.7.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:11.8.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:11.8.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:11.8.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:11.8.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:11.8.0


  • Upgrade JMeter base image to Ubuntu 20.04LTS (#1244)
  • Upgrade backend Dependencies to latest version (#1242)
  • [Design] Hide groups in Regexp Extractor check (#1241)
  • [Design] UI: do not open right aside panels on mouse hover (#1237)
  • [Design] UI: Update style to improve tab visibility (#1236)
  • [Analysis] UI: update default chart colors (#1235)
  • [Design] Support JSR223 Script files (#1234)
  • [Analysis] Improve Top Report Item by adding charts (#1226)
  • [Design] New action: Set Runtime Property (#1224)

Bug Fixes

  • [Runtime] Bench End date not properly sent by JMeter at the end of the test (#1243)
  • [Runtime] Test stuck in INITIALIZING state when scenario created by a user not member of the workspace anymore (#1238)
  • [Design] JMeter JMX: import csv columns in all cases (#1232)
  • [Runtime] [Monitoring] Heap Memory Alert >= 90% even thought Heap Allocated is low (#1225)

11.7.1 (30rd April 2020)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:11.7.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:11.7.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:11.7.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:11.7.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:11.7.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:11.7.1


  • [Monitoring] Increase % heap used threshold to 90% (#1219)
  • [Design] HAR Import: support gzip compressed .har.gz HAR archives (#1216)
  • [Design] UI: Scroll bar when having many workspaces (#1207)
  • [Design] HAR Import: support importing HAR in existing virtual user through API (#1217)
  • [Analysis] Add 1min, 5min and 15min Load Average (#1215)
  • [Analysis] Add Response Size metric to results tree / table (#1204)

Bug Fixes

  • [Analysis] UI: Successful Hits metric name is mislabeled (#1210)
  • [Runtime] CSV not detected as being used when variable used in assertion only (#1212)
  • [System] Set server.tomcat.max-http-form-post-size to 10MB by default (#1214)
  • [Design] HAR / JMX Import: decode http request path if url encoded (#1209)
  • [Runtime] Improve the way a cloud instance startup failure is handled (#1205)
  • [Design] HAR Import issue: timing is out of int range (#1202)

11.7.0 (8th April 2020)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:11.7.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:11.7.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:11.7.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:11.7.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:11.7.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:11.7.0


  • [Runtime] Support Iteration Pacing Thinktime (#1192)
  • [Analysis] UI: improve bench report labels (#1188)
  • [Runtime] UI: Remember last selected bench report template when launching a test (#1193)
  • [Design] Do not import disabled thread groups (#1184)
  • [Runtime] Add JMeter JVM monitoring via JMX protocol (#1183)
  • [Runtime] Improve Dynatrace headers integration (#1191)
  • [Runtime] Microsoft Azure: images are now managed via Image Galleries (#1165)
  • [Runtime] Confirmation before deleting a userload profile (#1178)
  • [Design] Support Uploading zip archive (and unzipping them) from Files menu (#1181)
  • [Runtime] Add AWS Seoul region (#1173)
  • Upgrade backend dependencies (#1169, #1198)
  • [Runtime] New option to enable / disable Dynamic Resources in Scenario settings (#1154)
  • [Admin] Add userId to workspace management screen (#1158)

Bug Fixes

  • [Design] UI: Change content-type header only if it's new (#1175)
  • [Monitoring] Linux: fix segments retransmitted counter not working (#1190)
  • [Design] UI: allow .JMX files when importing JMeter scripts (#1182)
  • [Design] UI: display not refreshed after removing files from Files menu (#1181)
  • [System] Changing account email sometimes not working (#1177)
  • [Design] UI: Disable If condition as variable expression by default (#1176)
  • [Design] Fix JMeter 4.0 JMX Import issue (#1174)
  • [Design] Fix JMX Import issue (#1171)
  • [Runtime] store up to 20 errors per request during validation (#1164)

11.6.1 (2nd March 2020)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:11.5.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:11.6.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:11.6.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:11.6.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:11.6.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:11.6.1


  • [Analysis] Add Bench Report URL Endpoint to generate link to bench report (#1162)
  • [Maven] Add report analysis template name to plugin parameters (#1147)

Bug Fixes

  • [Design] JMX Import: fail to import XML containing null xml char &#x0; (#1163)
  • [Analysis] Duplicate Fragments response time is 0ms in results tree (#1161)
  • [Runtime] CSV parsing issue when using tab delimiter (#1160)
  • [Runtime] JMeter JMX Generator: Query parameters with ; in value not parsed correctly (#1159)
  • [Payment] Subscriptions must be queried in a paginated way (#1155)
  • [Design] Do not import Http CONNECT requests when importing HAR (#1153)
  • [UI] Display an error message when adding invalid user on workspace (#688)

11.6.0 (19th February 2020)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:11.5.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:11.6.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:11.6.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:11.6.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:11.5.2
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:11.5.2


  • [Design] If: add option to enable / disable interpret as variable option (#1140)
  • [Providers] Max Number of containers per host can be configured in provider memory settings (#1149)
  • [Runtime] LG CPU Threshold set as WARNING when % CPU Usage >= 80% (#1141)
  • [Analysis] Compute sampling against total number of actions within virtual user profiles (#1138)

Bug Fixes

  • [Analysis] Follow Redirects sub sample results not shown in tree (#1152)
  • [Analysis] Results tree is broken when using exclusive filters (#1143)
  • [Validation] Green / Orange Dots are sometimes inconsistent (#1150)
  • [Runtime] Terminating / shutting down all containers is now done without waiting the operation to finish (#1151)
  • [Design] UI: fix display issue when tree is very deep / display is small (#1146)
  • [Build] JAR Signature Certificate expiration date extended to year 2099 (#1148)
  • [Design] JMX Import: some ModuleController were not imported / were missing (#1145)
  • [Runtime] Improve Test Launch Resiliency when agent fails to acknowledge container has been created (#1144)
  • [Analysis] Top Report Item computation is incomplete (#1139)

11.5.2 (4th February 2020)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:11.5.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:11.5.2
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:11.5.2
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:11.5.2
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:11.5.2
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:11.5.2

Bug Fixes

  • [Validation] Post parameters seen in http query parameters (#1137)
  • [Runtime] Execute script before splitting CSVs (#1135)
  • [Design] Fail to import / export TestAction properly in some edge cases (#1133)
  • [UX] Add "Apply" button on popup windows (#1132)
  • [Design] Removed element can be restored multiple times (#1129)
  • [Design] Update Virtual user creation date in duplicate one (#1127)
  • [System] Email Logo Update (#1126)

11.5.1 (28th January 2020)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:11.5.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:11.5.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:11.5.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:11.5.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:11.5.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:11.5.1

Bug Fixes

  • [Runtime] SocketTimeout in rendez-vous client when using a Proxy (#1125)
  • [Runtime] Fix possible NullPointer during validation when server hostname is invalid (#1124)
  • [Runtime] Upgrade to OkHttp 4.3.1 which supports HTTP/2 protocol between docker-agent, jmeter-standard, jmeter-webdriver and backend (#1122)
  • [Analysis] Use request names when exporting Results Table CSV (#1121)

11.5.0 (23th January 2020)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:11.2.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:11.5.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:11.5.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:11.5.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:11.5.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:11.5.0


  • Upgrade various internal dependencies to latest stable version (#1119)
  • [Design] JMeter JMX: import CounterConfig into variables (#1109)
  • [Admin] Add ability to manage all workspaces and members (#1108)
  • [Analysis] Display runtime user profiles as YAML in report Synopsis (#1116)
  • [Runtime] Test Logs: log which user aborts the test (#1113)
  • [Authentication] add users.administrators property as coma separated usernames with ADMIN role (#1107)
  • [Design] Import JMeter HeaderManager as generic when not as Http Requests child (#1105)
  • [Design] Copy Correlations Rules between projects (#1100)
  • [Runtime] Disable HTTP Cache Control Headers by default (#1101)
  • [Runtime] Ignore error when assertion with assumeSuccess=true (#1103)

Bug Fixes

  • [Payment] Some subscriptions are not displayed when more than 10 (#1118)
  • [Runtime] Skip samples with timestamp=0 to avoid messing up analysis report (#1114)
  • [Design] Regexp / JsonPath / Assertions check not working in Fragments (#1117)
  • [Analysis] Close Report Configuration Dialog when clicking on Apply button (#1115)
  • [Runtime] Stopping a test might leave some JMeter containers running in rare cases (#1112)
  • [Runtime] Use UTF-8 as default encoding for CSVs / When reading files in JMeter (#1092)
  • [Design] Unlink private hosts provider from a workspace when workspace is deleted (#1110)
  • [Runtime] Test Stuck in PENDING state when renaming an on-premise region and running test from old one (#1096)
  • [Runtime] Empty DNS hostname causes NullPointerException (#1104)

11.4.1 (7th January 2020)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:11.2.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:11.4.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:11.4.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:11.4.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:11.4.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:11.4.1

Bug Fixes

  • [Runtime] Prevent StackOverflowError when having an empty Link action (#1088)
  • [Design] UI: auto-completion in URLs Must Match download resources field (#1086)

11.4.0 (3rd December 2019)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:11.2.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:11.4.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:11.4.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:11.4.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:11.4.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:11.4.1


  • [Design] Increase Regexp Extractor default offset to 20 (#1085)
  • [Runtime] Return HTTP code 304 Not Modified in validation when request is cached instead of 200 OK (#1084)
  • [Runtime] Download JMeter Plugins on the fly on JMeter side (#1082)
  • [Runtime] Upgrade to JMeter 5.2.1 (#1077)
  • [Runtime] Improve Dynatrace APM HTTP headers (#1075)
  • [Analysis] Display exact time (instead of "x days ago") in results list (#1072)
  • [Runtime] Improve JMeter CPU Usage by reducing number of threads used to aggregate results (#1071)
  • [Runtime] Decrease database pressure when virtual user profile contains 500+ requests (#1070)

Bug Fixes

  • [Design] Add missing Http Status Codes in UI (#)
  • [Runtime] Properly parse / split multiline CSV files (#1076)
  • [Design] Import JMX generated by third party tools with alternate XML structure (#1074)
  • [Runtime] Recover from DigitalOcean which fails to create droplet (#1067)
  • [Runtime] JMeter URL Encoding issues in path with special chars (#890)

11.3.1 (14th November 2019)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:11.2.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:11.3.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:11.3.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:11.3.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:11.2.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:11.2.0

Bug Fixes

  • [Runtime] Disable Clear DNS Cache by default due to high CPU Usage (#1069)
  • [Design] JMX Import: support XML 1.1 escaped characters (#1066)
  • Update to Spring Boot 2.2.1.RELEASE (#1064)

11.3.0 (6th November 2019)

This version includes the following new features:

  • Analysis: new advanced metrics like Network Time,
  • Elasticsearch 7.4.2: the database is upgraded from version 7.4.0 to 7.4.2.

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:11.2.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:11.3.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:11.3.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:11.3.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:11.2.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:11.2.0


  • Upgrade various internal dependencies to latest stable version (#1061)
  • [Design] UI: button to move a container to fragments (#1059)
  • [Design] UI: minor productivity enhancements (#1056)
  • [Design] Auto-Correlation: handle url encoding in request path (#1055)
  • [Runtime] Enable Clear DNS Cache by default (#1052)
  • [Analysis] Add colors to metrics to quickly identify issues (#1048)
  • [Analysis] Add new computed metrics (#1046)
  • [Analysis] Add new metrics to default report template (#1045)

Bug Fixes

  • [Design] Fragments: cycle detected when link points to removed action (#1060)
  • [Design] Handle CSV with columns containing double quotes (#1058)
  • [Analysis] % Errors computation is wrong (#1057)
  • [Design] Fragments: remove select all button when editing link (#1054)
  • [Runtime] JMX: encode non-compliant chars in request path (#1053)
  • [Design] UI: tags with spaces are not working (#1050)
  • [Analysis] UI: fix strange characters in report export (#1049)
  • [Runtime] UI: rename "+" to "Add User Profile" (#1044)

11.2.0 (22nd October 2019)

This version includes the following new features:

  • Modular Scripts: add support for scripts modularity. Share parts of your scripts between multiple scripts to avoid script duplications,
  • New Analysis Metrics: add % successful hits, % errors, successful hits and errors hits,
  • Cloud Instance Startup: improve speed by paralellizing cloud instance provisioning,
  • Elasticsearch 7.4.0: the database is upgraded from version 7.1.1 to 7.4.0.

A Database migration is performed once on first server startup.

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:11.2.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:11.2.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:11.2.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:11.2.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:11.2.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:11.2.0


  • [Database] Upgrade to Elasticsearch 7.4.0 (#1040)
  • Upgrade various internal dependencies to latest stable version (#1036)
  • [Runtime] Parallellize cloud instance provisioning (#1031)
  • [Analysis] New Report metrics such as % errors (#716)
  • [Design] Modular Scripts (#329)

Bug Fixes

  • [Design] JMX Import: take into account CSV Dataset Config ignoreFirstLine property (#1042)
  • [Runtime] Test stuck while in PENDING state due to thread starvation (#1037)
  • [Agent] Fix: agent could not start container due to invalid generated name (#1034)
  • [Analysis] Comparison Report HTTP call fails as Method not allowed (#1030)
  • [Backups] Deleting older Elasticsearch Snapshots fails (#1029)
  • [Runtime] Generate non-offensive load generator names (#893)

11.1.0 (20th September 2019)

This version includes the following new features:

  • Tag virtual users, scenarios and test reports,
  • And Share on-premise providers with multiple workspaces.

A Database migration is performed once on first server startup.

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:11.1.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:11.1.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:11.1.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:11.1.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:11.1.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:11.1.0


  • [Design] Ability to tag virtual users, scenarios and test reports (#1011)
  • [Admin] Ability to manage use accounts through admin console (#996)
  • [Workspace] Ability to share a Private Hosts Provider with multiple workspaces (#1017)
  • [Runtime] Convert csv and sh scripts with dos2unix to avoid charset issues (#1018)
  • [Backend] Upgrade internal libraries (#1023)
  • [Design] Search and replace Post Parameters (#1019)
  • [Config] property to enabled security logs (#1012)
  • [Analysis] add percentiles to summary report item (#1010)
  • [Payment] Stripe: support for 3D secure payment (#908)
  • [Integrations] Support HTTP Webhook (#966)

Bug Fixes

  • [Backup] Retry when failing to delete snapshot because another snapshot is running (#1029)
  • [Runtime] Improve Error handling when failing to create container (#1022)
  • [Runtime] JMX Export: do not include empty post parameters (#1028)
  • [Design] JMX Import: browser compatible headers script must be in Groovy (#1025)
  • [Payment] Subscription audit logs HTTP Error 400 (#1015)
  • [Design] JMX Import: fix duplicate variables imported by different users (#1013)
  • Set server.tomcat.internal_proxies to fix Oauth2 authentication issues (#1008)

11.0.3 (3rd September 2019)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:11.0.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:11.0.3
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:11.0.3
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:11.0.3
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:11.0.2
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:11.0.2


  • [Design] Export list of HTTP servers as CSV (#1003)

Bug Fixes

  • [Security] Oauth2 authentication often fails due to old remaining cookies / session (#1008)
  • [Security] Oauth2 authentication doesn't work when Hazelcast clustering is enabled (#1007)
  • [Security] Cannot login using Oauth2 when registration is disabled (#1005)
  • [Design] Remove incorrect tooltip on NTLM authentication (#1002)
  • [Design] Providers: rename Memory to Total Amount of memory (#1001)
  • [Design] JMX Export: CSV not included when variable used in IP Spoofing (#1000)
  • [Analysis] Active users curves are desync in comparison reports (#999)
  • [Analysis] UI: Threshold line for LG monitoring has no label (#992)

11.0.2 (21th August 2019)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:11.0.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:11.0.2
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:11.0.2
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:11.0.2
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:11.0.2
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:11.0.2


  • [Design] Search: ability to search requests by server hostname (#595)
  • [Validation] Design: add support for Debug Sampler (#970)
  • [Runtime] Improve retry on error when container fails to create on remote agent (#981)
  • [Runtime] AWS: use m5 and t3 instances by default in all regions (#982)
  • [Design] UI: Support multipart filename parameter as variable (#975)
  • [Runtime] UI: update predefined user-agents (#967)
  • UI: fix various typos (#974)
  • [Design] JMX Import: whitelist Result Status Action Handler import (#972)
  • [Design] UI: Display message instead of empty body on Recorded / Check Responses (#963)
  • [Runtime] JMeter: add missing Http Status Codes (#961)
  • [Design] UI: Cookies from Chrome have no capital (#960)
  • [Analysis] UI: hide disabled actions in virtual user tree (#959)
  • [Analysis] Active users curve takes too much time to load on large tests (#958)
  • Upgrade various backend libraries (#957)

Bug Fixes

  • [Providers] AWS: disable Hong-Kong and Bahrain by default (#991)
  • [Design] JMX Import fails when concurrentPool is empty (#976)
  • [Design] JMX Import: Do not import deactivated headers manager (#977)
  • [Runtime] CSV not included in generated JMX when used in server hostname (#968)
  • [Documentation] Enterprise-Edition architecture schema backend port is 8090 not 80 (#987)
  • [Analysis] Active users curve may not load due to elasticsearch buckets limit of 10000 (#984)
  • [Design] UI: "URL Parameter" should be named "Query parameter" (#980)
  • [Analysis] UI: delta table percentages computation is sometimes wrong (#983)
  • [Design] UI: Constant variable name is mandatory (#979)
  • [Design] JMX Import: do not sanitize multipart filename when it contains a variable (#973)
  • [Design] JMX Import: LoopController forever boolean is not handled (#971)
  • [Design] JMX Import: ResponseAssertion isAssumeSuccess is not handled (#969)
  • [Design] JMX Import: Duplicate variables imported when description being set afterwards (#965)
  • [Design] HAR Import: ignore resources loaded from Chrome / Firefox Cache (#962)
  • [Design] UI: Request and Response search preset return no results (#955)
  • [Analysis] UI: switching from hits to containers is not taken into account (#956)

11.0.1 (10th July 2019)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:11.0.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:11.0.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:11.0.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:11.0.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:11.0.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:11.0.0


  • UI: improve drag'n drop when editing a virtual user script (#950)
  • Enterprise: Helm Chart to install on Kubernetes (#947)
  • UI: configurable custom description on login page (#948)
  • UI: upgrade to AngularJS 1.7 (#949)

Bug Fixes

  • Kubernetes: gracefully shutdown backend by trapping TERM signal (#952)
  • UI: fix invalid label in area chart (#953)
  • Elasticsearch: wait until database is started before booting backend (#945)
  • UI: Hide edition widget when exporting report (#942)
  • Runtime: generated JTL has wrong labels (#944)
  • UI: increase sampling delta on analysis report (#943)
  • UI: replace WYSIWYG HTML editors by Markdown editors (#954)

11.0.0 (14th June 2019)

IMPORTANT: carefully follow our 10.6.x to 11.x.x migration guide before upgrading. OctoPerf 11.0.x uses Elasticsearch 7.1.1.

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:11.0.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:11.0.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:11.0.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:11.0.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:11.0.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:11.0.0


  • Docker Images: upgrade to Java JDK 11.0.3
  • Upgrade Elasticsearch from 6.8.0 to 7.1.1 (#933)
  • Elasticsearch: use Rest High Level Client instead of Transport Client (#933)
  • Upgrad internal libraries to latest minor version (#937)
  • Upgrade Hazelcast to 3.11.4 (#931)
  • Saas: enable Google social login (#939)

Bug Fixes

  • SLA: Threshold may generate more alerts than necessary (#940)
  • UI: Runtime regions globe has display issues on Firefox (#936)
  • UI: report area chart is not displaying errors correctly (#935)
  • UI: results tree doesn't work when request name contains HTML (#934)
  • Elasticsearch: properly clear scroll when finished (#938)

10.6.1 (5th June 2019)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:10.6.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:10.6.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:10.6.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:10.6.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:10.6.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:10.6.1

Bug Fixes

  • Agent: Load Generator monitoring may fail when using large csv datasets (#929)
  • Runtime: fix race condition between host deactivation and PREPARING tests possibly using them (#926)
  • Runtime: Properly terminate containers in case an error occurs while starting the test (#925)

10.6.0 (23th May 2019)

Major changes:

  • Elasticsearch: upgrade from 6.5.4 to 6.8.0,
  • Cloud Providers: support Microsoft Azure cloud provider,
  • Single Sign-On: support Oauth2 / OpenID Connect authentication.

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:10.6.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:10.6.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:10.6.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:10.6.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:10.5.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:10.5.1


  • Elasticsearch: upgrade from 6.5.4 to 6.8.0 (#899)
  • Runtime: Support Microsoft Azure Cloud Provider (#858)
  • User Management: Support Oauth2 / OIDC authentication (#904)
  • Docker Agent: improve resiliency by implementing retries and circuit breakers when communicating with backend (#917)
  • Runtime: easily disable non working monitoring connections while launching a test (#645)
  • User Management: properties to enable / disable user registration, password-recovery and explicit login (#907)
  • Runtime: Purge validation requests / responses every night (#914)
  • Analysis: add area chart to default report (#910)
  • Elasticsearch: configurable number of shards / replicas per indice (#912)
  • Upgrade various dependencies to latest version (#909)
  • Analysis: lower errors storage to 2 per request / 100 per instance by default (#903)

Bug Fixes

  • Runtime: test stuck in INITIALIZING phase due to invalid DNS settings (#922)
  • Validation: number of pass/fail in virtual user tree is incorrectly computed (#915)
  • Runtime: log rebooting cloud instances as WARN instead of ERROR (#918)
  • Runtime: escape double quotes in scenario name (#894)
  • Analysis: remove legacy PERFMON sample type (#913)
  • Analysis: Can't add same metric twice in summary item (#891)
  • Maven Plugin scenario not deserialized correctly (#897)

10.5.1 (11th April 2019)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:10.5.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:10.5.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:10.5.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:10.5.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:10.5.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:10.5.1

Bug Fixes

  • Runtime: JMeter Container execution fails when scenarioId ends with "-" (#889)

10.5.0 (4th April 2019)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:10.5.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:10.5.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:10.5.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:10.5.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:10.5.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:10.5.0

Bug Fixes

  • Runtime: properly handle partial failure during PREPARING state (#882)
  • JMeter: Mark requests as error during validation when an exception happens (#872)
  • JMeter JTL: add AssertionFailureMessage in default config (#870)
  • Design: mark query / post param as encoded if name must be encoded (#883)


  • VU Validation: show request as error / failed if an assertion fails (#873)
  • Design: Improve static resources filtering (#886)
  • Analysis: show on each error if assertion failed in errors table (#887)
  • Agent: periodically cleanup octoperf containers stuck in Created / Exited state (#885)
  • Agent: can be used even when docker.sock volume is not mapped (#880)
  • Assertions: support all possible JMeter configurations (#877)
  • Monitoring: Support Prometheus Gauge (#879)
  • Agent: auto-upgrade can be disabled with -e (#881)
  • Monitoring: JDBC driver Class.forName no longer required (#876)
  • Disable URL Blacklist when import JMX / HAR (#871)
  • Monitoring: LG % CPU Usage (100 - % CPU Idle) (#868)

10.4.0 (19th March 2019)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:10.3.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:10.4.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:10.4.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:10.4.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:10.4.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:10.4.0

Bug Fixes

  • LG Monitoring: Use % CPU User instead of % CPU Idle (#864)
  • Check VU: fix edge case preventing check vu to be stopped (#862)
  • LDAP: Ability to disable PartialResultException (#860)
  • JMX: Import Regexp Extractor with non-default scope as generic (#859)
  • JMX: Import Regexp Extractor as Generic if not recognized (#855)
  • Agents: improve communication reliability (#857)


  • Upgrade to JMeter 5.1.1 (#866)
  • Error Details: Improve algorithm selecting which error details are kept (#865)
  • Analysis: Pie chart metrics now available as stacked chart too (#854)
  • UI: configurable admin email (when trying to delete a workspace) (#848)
  • Improve Rest API Creation Wizard (#839)
  • UI: Switch to D3.js for userload chart (#819)
  • JSR Pre/Post Processors can be dropped anywhere (#813)
  • Response Assertions: wider support (#813)
  • UI: Ability to Clean Empty Servers (#596)

10.3.0 (5th March 2019)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:10.3.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:10.3.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:10.3.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:10.3.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:10.3.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:10.3.0

Bug Fixes

  • Agent: ignore NotModifiedException on start / stop / remove container (#853)
  • Agent: start container task must be idempotent, ignoring (#850)
  • CSV Files: Check variable usage in JMeterAction properties (#847)


  • Internal Dependencies upgrades (#852)
  • JMeter: upgrade to JMeter 5.1 (#851)
  • Elasticsearch Snapshots: support coma separated list of repositories (#846)

10.2.0 (25th February 2019)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:10.1.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:10.2.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:10.2.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:10.2.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:10.1.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:10.1.0

Bug Fixes

  • AWS Provider: Cannot configure AWS provider because describeImages fails (#833)
  • Bench Logs: in rare cases, an agent not being used may be logged (#834)
  • POST request with single File weren't properly imported from JMeter (#838)
  • Jenkins Plugin: Report URL link is not working (#840)
  • JMeter JMX Export: do not export empty query parameters (#841)


  • OctoPerf Maven Plugin: run your versioned JMX scripts directly from your favorite Continuous Integration server (#726)
  • Upgrade to Elasticsearch 6.5.4 (#826)
  • LG Monitoring: remove % CPU User counter as % CPU Idle is enough (#842)

10.1.1 (7th February 2019)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:10.1.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:10.1.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:10.1.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:10.1.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:10.1.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:10.1.0

Bug Fixes

  • Support expressions like ${__P(key,defaultValue)} in constant throughput thinktime (#828)
  • UI: add Apply All button to Runtime Properties (#827)
  • Report Templates: further filter specific report items / metrics which cannot be fitted into a template (#825)

10.1.0 (5th February 2019)

OctoPerf 10.1 introduces the following major improvements:

  • Docker Private Registries: the backend can be configured to use a private registry to pull jmeter images,
  • Remote Control: Define JMeter properties and remotely change those properties live while the test is running,
  • Report Templates: create your own report templates!

Other changes are listed below.

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:10.1.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:10.1.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:10.1.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:10.1.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:10.1.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:10.1.0

Bug Fixes

  • Agent: upgrade may fail because containers list is not filtered properly (#824)
  • Correlation Rules: Avoid duplicates when importing a framework several times (#823)
  • Correlation Rules: .NET rules with overriden encoding are not working properly (#822)


  • Docker: ability to configure a private Docker Registry (#820)
  • Runtime: Remote Control JMeter Properties (#818)
  • APM: Improve Instana Integration (#817)
  • Remove Social Login from Saas platform (#816)
  • Runtime: compute containers to run asynchronously (#814)
  • Analysis: Automatically merge JTL files into a single file (#798)
  • Analysis Report Templates (#474)

10.0.1 (29th January 2019)

This version fixes a regression which has been introduced in 10.0.0.

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:10.0.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:10.0.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:10.0.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:10.0.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:10.0.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:10.0.1

Bug Fixes

  • JMeter: CSV Splitter and Rendez-vous agents are not working (#812)

10.0.0 (28th January 2019)

OctoPerf 10 features the following major improvements:


OctoPerf EE 10.0.0 introduces breaking changes. make sure to read the Migration guide to upgrade from previous versions.

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:10.0.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:10.0.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:10.0.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:10.0.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:10.0.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:10.0.0

Bug Fixes

  • UI: Tree view displays invalid containers (#787)


  • Cloud: add support for AWS eu-north-1 region (Stockholm) (#795)
  • APM: add support for Instana (#809)
  • JMeter: run as non-privileged octoperf user (#808)
  • Upgrade codebase from Java JDK 8 to Java JDK 11 (#718)
  • Agent: restrict internal SSH access to octoperf user (#805)
  • JMeter Docker Image: change JMETER_DIR to JMETER_HOME (#806)
  • Agent: --privileged is not required anymore (#804)
  • Docker Images: Run as non-privileged user (#803)
  • Monitoring: Add New-Relic APM monitoring (#799)
  • Clustering: remove Apache Ignite driver (#802)
  • Improve Correlation Rules algorithm (#801)
  • Upgrade to Spring Boot 2.1.2.RELEASE (#786)
  • JMeter: import RandomCSV DataSet as CSV with shuffled rows (#775)
  • Upgrade various internal libraries (#796)

9.8.0 (8th January 2019)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:9.8.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:9.8.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:9.8.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:9.8.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:9.8.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:9.8.0

Bug Fixes

  • UI: Entity tables sort on name / description is not refreshed (#793)
  • Force content as UTF-8 in http requests (#792)
  • Retrying scaling a test 1x time if waiting for machines for too long (#789)
  • Make Agent communication fail-safe with retries on failure (#788)
  • JMeter JMX: Import causes an NPE (#785)
  • UI: Unpin Button is not working properly (#784)
  • Agent: Upgrade can be stuck if multiple agents are running on the same machine (#782)


  • Support and scripts before / after JMeter test run (#794)

9.7.0 (29th November 2018)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:9.7.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:9.7.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:9.7.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:9.7.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:9.5.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:9.5.0

Bug Fixes

  • Agent: AgentFailure message incorrectly mapped to AgentMessage (#778)
  • UI: Editing a delay doesn't work (#779)
  • WebDriver: add delay on import to avoid slamming the CPU (#605)
  • Top Throughput: exclude per second metrics (#771)
  • Parallel Sampler: automatically switch PARENT_SAMPLE to false on import (#764)
  • JMX Import: exclude Perfmon collector (#753)
  • Results Tree display issues (#754)
  • Agent: Timeout while pulling image (#773)


  • Clustering: new ignite driver using Apache Ignite (#776)
  • Report Exports: customizable logo and company name (#621)
  • Reports Export: Configurable number of lines in tables (#622)
  • Reports Export: landscape mode (#624)
  • Hazelcast: Upgrade from 3.10.6 to 3.11 (#774)
  • Agent monitoring: add CPU Idle counter (#772)
  • Saas: add twitter feed to login page (#769)

9.6.1 (20th November 2018)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:9.5.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:9.6.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:9.6.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:9.6.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:9.5.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:9.5.0

Bug Fixes

  • Test may fail to stop properly: JMeter lacks UDP max port (#768)
  • Packer Manifest: properly parse DigitalOcean manifest when copying images during build (#767)
  • JMX Import: when path is a variable, do not add leading slash (#762)
  • VU Deletion: also delete check requests and responses (#681)

9.6.0 (19th November 2018)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:9.5.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:9.6.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:9.6.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:9.6.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:9.5.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:9.5.0


  • Runtime: add Cookie Policies NETSCAPE and BESTMATCH policies (#765)
  • Analysis: add filters to Result and Error Tables (#763)
  • Design: add Download Resources filter and pool size configuration (#273)

9.5.0 (9th November 2018)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:9.5.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:9.5.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:9.5.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:9.5.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:9.5.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:9.5.0

Bug Fixes

  • Agent upgrade may fail when container not found (#755)


  • IP Spoofing: use multiple network interfaces / IPs to inject load (#760)
  • UI: Reorganize Top Menu (#738)
  • Elasticsearch 6.4.3 (#761)

9.4.2 (25th October 2018)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:9.4.2
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:9.4.2
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:9.4.2
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:9.4.2
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:9.4.2
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:9.4.2

Bug Fixes

  • Enterprise-edition: password reset template mail is pointing to saas platform (#752)
  • Multipart parameters with Filename as variable (${var}) not handled properly (#692)


  • Proxy Settings: docker-agent now takes into account system proxy env variables (#750)

9.4.1 (17th October 2018)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:9.2.2
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:9.4.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:9.4.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:9.4.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:9.4.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:9.4.0

Bug Fixes

  • HTTP 403 Access Denied when creating a workspace (#745)
  • When using Medium instances on private AWS account, machine has not enough memory (#740)
  • CSV files imported along with JMX are not properly linked to variables (#739)
  • AppDynamics Header path is in reverse order (#748)


  • Elasticsearch 6.4.2 (#747)
  • UI: Display JSR223 script action args (#744)
  • UI: Comparison Results list not displaying one report (#742)
  • Mail: support much wider possible configurations (#690)

9.4.0 (25th September 2018)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:9.2.2
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:9.4.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:9.4.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:9.4.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:9.4.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:9.4.0

Bug Fixes

  • UserLogin event must be only sent when login is successful (#736)
  • Results Tree is not working properly with WebDriver virtual users (#733)


  • Upgrade many internal libraries to latest version (#731)
  • Upgrade to JMeter 5 (#730)
  • Sanity Check: warn when Host header is different from server hostname (#700)
  • Sanity Check: warn if a CSV file is empty or has no values (#478)
  • Sanity Check: warn if think times are high (greater than 30sec) (#391)
  • Refactor Virtual User creation wizard (#735)

9.3.0 (17th September 2018)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:9.2.2
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:9.3.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:9.3.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:9.3.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:9.2.2
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:9.2.2

Bug Fixes

  • Results Sampling: increase sampling when load significantly increases (>=100k vus) (#725)
  • Docker Batches: cleanup batches stuck in CREATED state (#722)
  • Heavy Load Tests: Improve responsiveness and ingestion capacity (#721)
  • UI: Runtime profile bug when adding point on crowded profile (#720)
  • UI: Order Results table by increasing timestamp with millisecond precision (#714)
  • JMX Import: LoopController.loops can be both stringProp and intProp (#711)
  • UI: prevent switching from post body url-encoded to raw (#585)


  • UI: Start OctoPerf on VU creation page (#724)
  • CSVs: split CSV files only when enough values available (#719)
  • Bench Errors: store 100 errors per container (previously 50) (#713)
  • UI: inform user what's going to be deleted when deleting a workspace / project (#712)
  • WebDriver: Use Google Chrome 68 instead of Firefox 47 (#710)
  • Design: Support Http Request Names (#709)
  • Log Agent IPs on test launch (#708)
  • Reports: New Tree Table Report (#706)

9.2.2 (28th August 2018)

When upgrading to 9.2.2+, you will need to upgrade your on-premise agents to the latest version manually. Simply delete and re-create the container using the command-line provided from the UI.

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:9.2.2
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:9.2.2
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:9.2.2
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:9.2.2
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:9.2.2
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:9.2.2

Bug Fixes

  • Agent Upgrade is failing due to improperly mapped volumes (#704)
  • Load Generator network monitoring stats are not working (#701)


  • Add support for a remove-files.txt file to delete files from JMeter (#703)

9.2.1 (9th August 2018)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:9.0.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:9.2.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:9.2.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:9.2.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:9.2.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:9.2.1

Bug Fixes

  • Unreachable Hosts should be rebooted after a cooldown period (#696)
  • No m5.xlarge available in ap-southeast-1 (#694)
  • Elasticsearch automated snapshots fails to delete old ones (#693)
  • UI: wrong units displayed in graphs (#684)
  • WebDriver: variables not detected when used in script parameters (#683)
  • JMX Import: ignore WebDriver configurations (#682)


  • JMeter Images: upgrade to Ubuntu 18.04LTS (#698)
  • Performance: reduce number of http samples being sent (#697)
  • Elasticsearch: automated snapshots through yml configuration (#687)

9.2.0 (12th July 2018)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:9.0.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:9.2.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:9.2.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:9.2.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:9.0.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:9.0.1

Bug Fixes

  • CSV variables used in WebDriver parameters aren't exported in JMX (#680)
  • CSV variables used in WebDriver scripts aren't exported in JMX (#679)
  • files named with Uppercase chars could not be found during test (#674)
  • JMX Import: Scripts at test plan level are not imported (#663)


  • Upgrade to Elasticsearch 6.3.1 (#678)
  • Add support for WebDriver parameters field (#675)
  • Virtual user validation is updating live during the run (#672)
  • Increase maximum settable memory by profile to 128MB (#667)
  • AWS Provider: ability to configure memory, shutdown policy and cloud instances (#666)
  • Cloud Providers: change zones from map to list to better support AWS Accounts with lots of VPCs (#662)

9.1.0 (2nd July 2018)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:9.0.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:9.1.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:9.1.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:9.1.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:9.0.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:9.0.1

Bug Fixes

  • Only Private docker providers can be created (#657)
  • Fix licences panel in UI (#654)
  • Properly import JMX when Authentication Manager is empty (#651)


  • Improve Guided Tour (#653)
  • Automatically detect and downloading JMeter Plugins when importing JMX (#652)
  • Upgrade various internal libraries (#647 and #648)
  • Upgrade to Elasticsearch 6.3.0 (#644)
  • Cloud Providers: Support AWS Elastic IPs and DigitalOcean Floating IPs (#635)

9.0.1 (18th June 2018)

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:9.0.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:9.0.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:9.0.1
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:9.0.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:9.0.1
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:9.0.1

Bug Fixes

  • JMX: Server is imported as https with port 80 (#646)
  • ServerAgentService.isIdle should ignore Exited containers (#643)
  • Stale Tests are not finished after xx minutes (#642)
  • Windows process monitor 404 (#639)
  • JMX Import Issue with Test Fragments (#633)
  • Do not import headers starting with : (#630)
  • JMeter script tries to send agent logs (#629)
  • Disabled Agent Seen as Down (#628)
  • Agent Randomly appears as disconnected when high-availability is enabled (#627)


  • Upgrade various external libraries (#641)
  • Improve Test Initialization logs (#632)

9.0.0 (1st June 2018)

Major change: As of 9.0.0 and above, Rancher is not used for load generators anymore.

Docker Images

  • octoperf/docker-agent:9.0.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-edition:9.0.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-ui:9.0.0
  • octoperf/enterprise-documentation:9.0.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-standard:9.0.0
  • octoperf/jmeter-webdriver:9.0.0

Bug Fixes

  • Importing Firefox 60 and above HAR could fail (#614)
  • JMX Import was not properly importing timers (#619)
  • Increase Extra Memory Percent to improve small machines usage (#620)


  • Rancher is no longer required to run OctoPerf EE (#609)
  • Scenario and Results views feature a World Map

8.3.0 (19th April 2018)

Bug Fixes

  • Upgrade to Spring Boot 2, Elasticsearch 6.2.3 and other various libraries (#586)
  • Parse ${__P(name,value)} variable on JMX import (#601)
  • CSV File splitting is not working properly when column names inside as first line (#603)

8.2.0 (26th March 2018)


  • Design: Correlation rules frameworks update (#590)
  • Design: Virtual user validation now display 4XX+ on record as errors (#270)
  • Design: Copy/ paste refactor (#558)
  • Design: Autocompletion in server configuration (#562)
  • Design: Pin Validate Virtual User panel if one is running when opening a VU (#570)
  • Design: Sanity Check displays an error on query parameter with empty name and value (#550)
  • Monitoring: Support Prometheus monitoring (#500)
  • Runtime: Reduce default memory used by JMeter to download large files (#581)
  • Runtime: Custom load policy (#556 and #587)
  • Analysis: Add 99 percentile to result table (#566)
  • UI: Documentation lazy loading (#557)
  • UI: Update fontawesome to latest version (#547)

Bug Fixes

  • JMX Import: Regexp Extractor with body unescaped should be imported as extractor on body (#580)
  • Design: PUT request contains invalid chars in body (#582)
  • Design: Selenium webdriver request tab not showing the URL accessed (#574)
  • Design: PUT request body must be raw (Name/Value post parameters are ignored by JMeter in PUT / PATCH requests) (#573)
  • Design: Https Server Port is 80 instead of 443 on JMX Import (#560)
  • Design: Search and replace hangs (#565)
  • Runtime: URL Parameter not encoded at replay by JMeter (#569)
  • Runtime: M5.xlarge not available in all zones (#555)
  • Runtime: JMX: If Controller is not properly configured (#561)
  • Runtime: ThinktimeText is causing issues in JMX with DelayAction (#559)
  • Analysis: Sent bytes always shows 0 in summary with containers (#567)
  • Analysis: Result table sort on numeric values (#564)

8.1.0 (15th February 2018)


  • Upgrade from Elasticsearch 6.1.2 to 6.2.1 (#545)
  • Upgrade various internal libraries (#545 bis)
  • Support variables in Thinktimes (#544)
  • Upgrade from JMeter 3.3 to 4.0 (#546)
  • Support JMeter LoopController (#526)
  • UI: Improve Scenario Profile Edition (#539)
  • UI: Automatically pin buttons when searching / running a validation (#537)
  • UI: Improve test start time visibility (#532)
  • UI: Replace Toaster warning messages by notifications (#531)
  • UI: Update various dependencies (#531)
  • UI: Allow child actions for JMeterAction (#527)
  • UI: Improve Printable Test Report (#530)
  • UI: Improve Results Trend Chart (#522)

Bug Fixes

  • JMX Import: support HTTP Request Defaults with no port or scheme (#549)
  • Fix: Post Parameters with only name have equals included (#543)
  • JMX Import: Fix edge cases (#542)
  • UI: Autosave may not kick in on page change (#535)
  • UI: Fix a scrolling issue when viewing test reports (#528)
  • Fix a possible NPE when importing HAR from latest Chrome version (#523)

8.0.1 (4th February 2018)


  • UI: Confirm dialog before stopping the test (#513)
  • UI: In monitoring, skip resources panel when none required by the monitor (#485)

Bug Fixes

  • JMX Import: support JMX generated by third party tools like Taurus (#521)
  • UI: Report summary has no scrollbar (#520)
  • UI: Clear BenchInformationResource cache (#518)
  • JMX Import: properly handle http request defaults port (#515)
  • UI: Various small cosmetic issues (#514)

8.0.0 (12th January 2018)


Please carefully follow 7.5.x to 8.0.x Migration guide prior to upgrading to 8.0.x.


  • Comparison: compare results across several test results
  • Upgrade to Elasticsearch 6.1.1

7.5.2 (19th December 2017)

Bug Fixes

  • Latest Chrome Browser HARs are imported in reversed chronological order (#499)

7.5.1 (6th December 2017)

Bug Fixes

  • Plain Post Data Encoding in exported JMX is invalid in some cases (#492)
  • Analysis Results Table column order is randomly changing (#486)

7.5.0 (28th November 2017)


  • Single Sign-On (SSO): LDAP authentication (#351)
  • Backend supports Startup Delay support in UserLoad in Scenarios (#477)

Bug Fixes

  • JMeter JMX with WebDriver is not marked as WebDriver (#488)

7.4.1 (23th November 2017)

Bug Fixes

  • Raw Post Body containing CRLF must be encoded properly in JMX (#483)
  • CSV Variable Balancing may not work properly in some edge cases (#481)
  • Http Server Authentication did not support absolute URLs (#480)
  • User login must be case-insensitive (#467)

7.4.0 (17th November 2017)


  • OctoPerf SLA : Service Level Agreement profiles are configurable in the Design / Monitoring and visible in the test reports.
  • Load Injector monitoring : added threshold alarms when CPU usage is over 80%.
  • HTTP Servers : Connection and Response Timeouts are now configurable per server.
  • Correlation Rules Frameworks : updated the SAML and .Net frameworks.
  • Virtual User Cleanup : when removing SLA profiles or HTTP Servers, empty containers are also removed.
  • Report Trends : the analysis page show a trend graph if showing the response time and hits/errors counts for all selected reports.
  • Frontend optimization : the design page and the search & replace for big Virtual Users (hundreds of actions) is now faster.
  • HTTP headers auto-completion : common HTTP request actions header names are now suggested during edition.
  • Test report summary : to quickly navigate in the report, a summary is displayed on the right.
  • ElasticSearch upgrade to version 5.6.4.

Bug Fixes

  • [Design] Correlation rules injections 'with name' field is left to an empty string when it is cleared.
  • [Design] The displayed number of items currently in the trash is wrong after an action is dropped back into the Virtual User.
  • [Design] JMX import may throw a ClassCastException.

7.3.4 (21th October 2017)

Bug Fixes

  • [Design] HTTP Query Parameters with only name aren't within the JMX Script

7.3.3 (20th October 2017)

Bug Fixes

  • [Monitoring] HTTP 400 Bad Request when listing Monitoring Agents

7.3.2 (19th October 2017)


  • OctoPerf Catalog: configurable data volume mapping

Bug Fixes

  • [Design] HAR Import: ignore query params with empty name and value bug design
  • [Design] Bulk server deletion make encounter race condition
  • [Design] Create Default Correlation Frameworks if none found

7.3.1 (18th October 2017)

Bug Fixes

  • Jenkins JUnit Report were broken
  • Monitoring fails with Http 503 error with restricted workspace rights
  • Query parameters are always written in Path (JMeter JMX)
  • HAR import: query parameters with only value are treated as name only
  • Jenkins: Report link points to Saas when using Enterprise-Edition