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Compare Test Results

OctoPerf allows you to compare from two to four test results in the same report.

These comparison report are like standard reports, except the fact that your can select a test result when editing a metric.

Result labels

The comparison reports starts with a header that lists the compared tests:

Comparison Report Summary

By default Bench results are referred by letters: A, B, C, D.

In the legend of every report item, these names are used to identify each result:

Comparison Delta Table


The Delta Table can be used to compare a single metric value for each compared test result.

Update labels

You can use the Report configuration page to edit the labels associated with each test:

Comparison Labels

This will update the labels on all the graphs and menus:

Updated Comparison Labels


Updating test labels will not affect the blocs of text and titles, these will have to be changed manually.

Edit Metrics

When editing metrics (for Line Chart curves or Table columns), you can select the bench result:

Edit Comparison Report Curve