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SaaS Load Testing Subscriptions

OctoPerf lets you purchase and manage subscriptions directly from the GUI. The public prices are available on our website. Both subscriptions and billing information are available from the account management menu, available on the upper right corner of the application.


The subscriptions page list all your current subscriptions. The list can be refreshed using Refresh button. You may need to refresh it manually after adding a new subscription, while the payment is being made.

To subscribe to a plan click on the blue Subscribe button (above the list).


Subscriptions list

Your subscriptions are visible in the license panel:

Column name Description
Type Allows you to differentiate your subscriptions from subscriptions shared with you.
Name The plan name.
Status The subscription status. Can be Active, Expired or Cancel at period end.
Renewal Type The type of renewal for this subscription. Can be Monthly, Quarterly or On Demand.
Billing Type The type of billing applied for this subscription: Free, Credit Card or Bank Transfer.
Subscribed on Subscription date.
Renewed on Last renewal date.
Expires on Expiration date, it will not be usable after this date, unless renewed.
Users Maximum number of concurrent users runnable in a test.
Duration Maximum duration of a test.
Profiles Maximum number of user profiles per scenario. So it is the maximum number of different devices you can emulate for one test, and also the maximum number of geographical regions your can run your test from.
Tests Number of remaining tests you can launch. For Monthly and Quarterly subscriptions, this number is reset to the plan maximum number of tests each month. On Demand subscriptions are Expired when this number reaches 0.


The search functions are detailed in this section of the navigation page.

Cancel a subscription

To cancel a subscription click on the Delete button that appears when you put mouse over a subscription and confirm:

Cancel Subscription Dialog

You can only cancel subscriptions that:

  • Are active.
  • Are paid by credit card (Please contact our sales team to cancel subscriptions paid by Bank Transfer)
  • Are recurring, either Monthly or Quarterly. On Demand subscriptions cannot be cancelled.


When you cancel a subscription, its status becomes Cancel at period end until the expiration date. Then it is properly cancelled. You can still use it in the meantime. You cannot get a refund for the remaining tests

Subscribe to new plan

You can subscribe to any plan directly from OctoPerf if you pay by credit card. You may contact our sales team to pay by bank transfer or if you need a custom plan.

A subscription wizard appears when you click on the orange Subscribe button bellow the subscription list.

Billing information

The first step is to enter your billing information. Please refer to the user profile section to fill in this form:


Plan selection

The next step is to select a plan. Plans are grouped by renewal period: Yearly or Monthly. You can click on any tab to view the corresponding plans. Click on Select to choose a plan.

Select Plan


If you need more information regarding OctoPerf's licensing, please refer to our pricing page or get in touch with our sales team to get a custom plan made just for you.

Credit card selection

You will be redirected to Stripe to proceed with the payment, make sure to follow all the steps until you are redirected back to OctoPerf.

Subscription Sharing

This section lists all the subscriptions shared with/by you:


Column name Description
Type Shared with me or Shared by me.
Name Share name.
Owner Owner of this license share. You can only remove shares you own.
Shared with Share recipient. Make sure to only share with people from your organization.
Created Creation date for this share.


The search functions are detailed in this section of the navigation page.

New share

A simple click on the Create new share button will open a new window. Here you can pick one or several subscriptions to share:


Using All you can make sure to share all your current and future subscriptions with another account. This is convenient if you plan on using a lot of new on demand plans later.

Using a selection of you can handpick one or several subscriptions to share.


You might want to avoid sharing your free license or other people could empty it for you. Of course we can re-credit it if you contact us through the chat or email.


You can only have one share with another account at a time, if you try to create more you will get this message: share-already-exists

If you need to share new subscriptions, you must remove the existing share and create a new one.

Share actions

On each share it is possible to click the Inspect button to see its details:


Subscription awaiting

Temporary subscriptions that have been scheduled to start some time in the future are displayed in the Awaiting subscription panel:



This panel lists all the past invoices:
