The Graphite external reporting will push the OctoPerf metrics to your Graphite database during the test. It is based upon the JMeter Graphite backend listener.
Name | Description |
Metrics sender | The implementation class that will be used as the metrics sender. |
Hostname | Graphite hostname. Make sure this is accessible from the load generators. |
Port | Graphite port. |
Root metric prefix | The prefix in front of each metric. |
Percentiles | The percentiles you want to send to influxDB. A percentile may contain a fractional part, for example 12.5 (The separator is always ".") |
Send detailed metrics | When disabled, only a summary with no detail is sent. |
Action names | If "Regular expression action names" is activated only the transaction/request names matching this regex will be sent to Graphite. If "Regular expression action names" is disabled a list of the transaction/request names must be provided instead. |