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Application Performance Management

These integrations are shared with the entire project: you don't need to configure them for each scenario.


APM configuration

Activate an HTTP Header integration

The following procedure explains how to activate an integration:

  1. Oepn the Application Performance Management panel,
  2. Click on the checkbox of the integration you want to activate,
  3. Close the configuration panel.

OctoPerf currently supports the following APM solutions:


The additionnal header added by OctoPerf needs to be interpreted on the APM's side, usually by activating the RUM (Real User Monitoring) functionnality.

AppDynamics Header

When the APM integration is activated from the runtime screen, script validations will also include the header:

AppD header

In this case the header sent is AppD_Header: Buyer.Login_process.01_-_Home_page.Home As you can see it is composed of:

  • The virtual user name,
  • The name of each parent element in their order of appearance,
  • The name of the request or its path if name is empty.

Dynatrace Header

When the APM integration is activated from the runtime screen, script validations will also include the header:

Dynatrace header

The value in this situation is: VU=lizette_walker-Buyer-1;SI=OctoPerf;TSN=01+-+Prehome;LSN=Buyer;LTN=Check bbXCU3EBE0n4YfPTqrI-;PC=My-request-name

  • VU is the unique Id of the current virtual user, made of agent name - virtual user name - number
  • SI is the name of the load testing tool, OctoPerf in our case,
  • TSN is the name of parent transaction (if any found),
  • LSN is the name of the virtual user,
  • LTN is the name of the scenario being run,
  • PC is the name of the http request or its path.

In Dynatrace you can configure these metadatas with requests attributes like this:

Dynatrace config

For example this is how you can get the virtual user name stored inside the LSN key:

Dynatrace config

Dynatrace config

Dynatrace config

Instana Header

Instana header

When the APM integration is activated from the runtime screen, script validations will also include the header.

The following HTTP headers are included within each http request:

  • x-octoperf-testName: name of the scenario being executed.
  • x-octoperf: this header contains the current request path. It contains the virtual user name, the name of each parent element in their order of appearance and name of the request (or its path if name is empty).

In order to configure Instana to properly catch these headers, you might have to load the following in the configuration yaml file of instana at startup:

   - 'x-loadtest-id'