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Trend Test Results

OctoPerf allows you to create a Trend report with up to 25 test results in the same report.

Unlike comparison reports that are like standard reports, The Trend is a unique report with its own items.

Create Trend report

First, from the analysis page, click on New Trend report.

Reference test

The reference test will be the baseline against which all other results will be compared. It will be kept even if the project goes over the default limit of 100 results per projects.


Reference Tests cannot be removed from the project while they are in use by a trend report. If you remove a reference test, you can recreate it from inside the trend report.



Here you can manually select all the results to include in this Trend report using the result list.


You cannot unselect the Reference Test since it is mandatory to have it in the Trend report.


Instead of having auto generated report names, you can define them manually.

Self updating


With this option you can ask OctoPerf to automatically update the Trend report with new test results every time you open it. Simply specify the number of "Last results" to be included.

If you want to filter relevant results only, you can use Selectors to apply selection, criteria on the results:
