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Insights Report Item


The insights report item exists to highlight potential issues with your tests. The best use of this item is to inspect the critical errors in order to see the highlights of your test result. While there can be some false positives depending on the situation, you will at least take notice of the worst issues, if any.


This report item is a work in progress, feel free to send your feedback or improvements to our support team.


Rule Description
Connect time versus response time The connect time increases compared to the response time.
Latency versus response time The latency increases compared to the response time.
Hit rate inflexion point The global hit rate should follow the amount of users running. When it doesn't it means there was a problem with the application, usually an increase of response times.
Global response time average The global response time should be stable during the load test. Investigate for any event around the time when the response time changes.
Global response time standard deviation Standard Deviation shows us if response times are very different to each others. This indicates that the application behavior is very unstable.
Response time step by step Discrepancy in response times. Check for slow transactions or requests.
Errors step by step Discrepancy in error rates. Check for failing transactions or requests.
Errors peak The global errors rate should be stable during the load test. Investigate for any event around the time when peak of errors occurs.
Errors 4XX codes Check for causes of 4xx client errors. The request contains bad syntax or cannot be fulfilled.
Errors 5XX codes Check for causes of 5xx server errors. The server failed to fulfil an apparently valid request.
Errors "None" Check for causes of JMeter errors. The JMeter engine raised a Java error instead of getting a response.
Threshold alarms Check the Threshold Alarms report item to know the source of the alarms.
CSS Throughput Minifying CSS files can improve your page load performance. CSS files are often larger than they need to be.
Image format Throughput WebP images are smaller than their JPEG and PNG counterparts—usually on the magnitude of a 25–35% reduction in filesize. This decreases page sizes and improves performance.
Image size Throughput Optimize images so that the page loads faster and consumes less data.
Javascript Throughput Minifying JavaScript files can reduce payload sizes and script parse time.


Some of the rules allow you to create a new line chart to inspect further:


In this case the green area shows how far the hit rate is from its ideal value. In an ideal situation you would want to keep this as low as possible:
