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Edit account


The profile management page is accessible from the upper right menu, it allows you to :

Billing information

This section contains important information if you want to purchase a license on the SaaS version of OctoPerf. These will be used during the purchasing and billing process:

Edit profile

If you are not a license owner, you can ignore these fields, except maybe the Company name that can appear in the default report layout.


To change your email, use the Email section. In order to avoid any issue; you must provide your password :

Edit password


The email change will only be effective once you click on the activation link sent on your new email. This way in case you entered an invalid email, you do not lose access to your account.


To change your password, use the Password section:

Edit password


The change will only be effective once you logout and login again, make sure to update your password if you are using a password manager.


You API key is accessible using the API Key section:


Simply click on the Show API Key icon to display its value or on the Copy to clipboard icon to copy it.

The red Reset API key icon will regenerate a new API key, only do this when you think the previous one is compromised.


Regenerating the API key will disconnect all your currently running tests and cloud load generators. Third party integrations might also have to be refreshed as well.


This section allows you to select light or dark mode:



The Size section lets you customize the font size inside OctoPerf: size


You can also use CTRL + Mousewheel to zoom or unzoom. Since it is a shortcut from your web browser , this can be done from any screen inside OctoPerf on top of the size selection.