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Quick Start

The quick start page is only available to new users that registered on OctoPerf. It provides a summary of all the steps required in order to run a quick test campaign in OctoPerf. The goal is to guide you through these steps with a simplified UI.


The quick start panel is disabled a few days after the account creation, as such it is not available for most OctoPerf users since its goal is only to guide newcomers.


Use sample


Select this option in order to have a predefined virtual user added automatically in your test project.

This is perfect for a quick demo since this virtual user contains many containers, logic actions and various elements that you can then see in the test report:


Website URL


Using this option you can create a simple virtual user that will test a few URLs on your own website. For more details, note that it works exactly like the Website URL option available when you create a VU.

Advanced VU


This option will redirect you to the design screen of OctoPerf where you can create or edit your virtual users the usual way.



In this section you have access to all the basic options to run a simple test in a few clicks. It also highlights the limits of the free tier of octoPerf that every new account has access to.

Those options are available through various screens when you configure a runtime scenario.

Launch test

Simply click on the launch test button to execute a test with the selected configuration. You will then be redirected to the reporting page.

After that you will be prompted with a summary of what will be automatically created in order to proceed:
