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What is Lighttpd?

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Lighttpd is a high performance frontend webserver. With a small memory footprint compared to other web-servers, Lighttpd is the perfect solution for every server that is suffering load problems.

Supported versions

Lighttpd 1 and 2 are supported.


Make sure that mod_status is installed on your Lighttpd server. The documentation on Enabling mod status in Lighttpd provides all the material to enable mod_status.


Lighttpd Configuration Wizard

The Lighttpd monitor requires the status page URL. Optional credentials can be provided when the page is protected by basic authentication. The status URL should be similar to:


Important Note: Don't specify any query parameters.

If you would like to try this monitor, setup the connection with the following URL: Lighttpd Demo.

Monitored Counters

Lighttpd Counters Wizard

Lighttpd monitoring module collects the following metrics:

  • Server:

    • Uptime: server uptime in seconds,
    • Memory usage: Current memory usage in MegaBytes,
    • Busy Servers: Current number of busy worker threads,
    • Idle Servers: Current number of idle worker threads,
    • % Busy Servers: Percent of busy worker threads.
  • Traffic:

    • Total KBytes: Total volume delivered in KiloBytes since server startup,
    • KBytes per second: Volume delivered in KiloBytes per second,
    • Average Outgoing Traffic (5sec): Average outgoing traffic over the past 5 seconds,
    • Average Incoming Traffic (5sec): Average incoming traffic over the past 5 seconds,
    • Average MBytes Out: The average number of MegaBytes sent since server startup,
    • Average MBytes In: The average number of MegaBytes received since server startup,
    • Outgoing Traffic: Total outgoing traffic in MegaBytes since server startup,
    • Incoming Traffic: Total incoming traffic in MegaBytes since server startup,
    • Outgoing Traffic per sec: Outgoing traffic in MegaBytes per second,
    • Incoming Traffic per sec: Incoming traffic in MegaBytes per second.
  • Requests:

    • Total Accesses: Total access count since server startup,
    • Accesses per sec: Access count per second,
    • Average Requests: Average number of requests since server startup,
    • Average Requests (5sec): Average number of requests over the past 5 seconds.
  • Connections:

    • Active Connections: Currently active connections,
    • Average Active Connections (1sec): Average active connections over the past second,
    • Average Active Connections (5sec): Average active connections over the past 5 seconds,
    • Connections Started: Number of connections currently being started,
    • Connections Reading: Number of connections currently reading Http Headers,
    • Connections Handling Requests: Number of connections currently handling the request to the backend servers,
    • Connections Writing: Number of connections currently writing response to the client,
    • Connections Kept Alive: Number of connections currently being kept alive,
    • Connections Upgraded: Number of connections being upgraded, typically to WebSocket connections.
  • Status Codes:

    • Http 1XX: Total Number of responses with Http 1xx (100, 101...) status code since server startup,
    • Http 1XX per sec: Number of responses with Http 1xx (100, 101...) status code per second,
    • Http 2XX: Total Number of responses with Http 2xx (200, 201...) status code since server startup,
    • Http 2XX per sec: Number of responses with Http 2xx (200, 201...) status code per second,
    • Http 3XX: Total Number of responses with Http 3xx (300, 301...) status code since server startup,
    • Http 3XX per sec: Number of responses with Http 3xx (300, 301...) status code per second,
    • Http 4XX: Total Number of responses with Http 4xx (400, 401...) status code since server startup,
    • Http 4XX per sec: Number of responses with Http 4xx (400, 401...) status code per second,
    • Http 5XX: Total Number of responses with Http 5xx (500, 501...) status code since server startup,
    • Http 5XX per sec: Number of responses with Http 5xx (500, 501...) status code per second.