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JIRA Integration

On this page we will explain the different ways of integrating Octoperf with JIRA.

Automatic Test Launch from a JIRA project

This integration will automatically launch an Octoperf load test when one issue is transitioned from one specific status to another.

Get the test launch URL from Octoperf

Click on the Jira integration menu in your runtime scenario:

JIRA Integration

Copy the link provided:

JIRA Integration

Jira Project Configuration

Go to your Jira project, then select "Project settings"

JIRA Integration

Then click on "Automation":

JIRA Integration

Create a new automation rule:

JIRA Integration

You can then configure the rule:


Select the source status in "FROM" and the target status in "TO"


  • Select "Send web request"
  • Copy your test URL and put it in the "Web request URL"
  • Configure the "Headers" field with "Authorization" and your API key
  • "HTTP method": POST
  • Choose Issue data (JIRA format)
  • Save

JIRA Integration